Electronic Water Timers

The Hydrofarm Electronic Water Timer makes watering your plants a breeze. This single-station analog timer attaches directly to your garden hose and automatically controls sprinklers, drip systems or soaker systems. It features two simple dials that allow gardeners to set the frequency of watering from 1 hour to 1 week, and the run time from 1 minute to 2 hours. … Read More

The Hydrofarm Electronic Water Timer makes watering your plants a breeze. This single-station analog timer attaches directly to your garden hose and automatically controls sprinklers, drip systems or soaker systems. It features two simple dials that allow gardeners to set the frequency of watering from 1 hour to 1 week, and the run time from 1 minute to 2 hours. … Read More

not rated $13.95$41.50 Select optionsChoose Item
not rated $15.99$49.99 Select optionsChoose Item
Fly Ribbon



not rated $1.75 Add to cartChoose Item
Fruit Tree Spray

FOLIAGE PROTECTOR – Protects a wide range of vegetation including apples, pears, cherries, eggplant, beans, tomatoes, petunias, roses, and many more fruit, nut, and ornamental trees.
CONTROLS A VARIETY OF INSECTS AND DISEASES – This pest control is great for use on aphids, Japanese beetles, leafhoppers, ants, crickets, cockroaches, and other pests. It also controls powdery mildew, apple scab, flyspeck, black mold and many more.
COMPLETE COVERAGE – This product is a complete concentrate that contains insecticide, fungicide, miticide, aphicide, and scalicide. Designed specifically to protect home orchards from the ravages of listed insects and diseases.
PERFECT FOR ALL SKILL LEVELS – Fruit Tree and Plant Guard Concentrate is an excellent multi-purpose product for hobby home orchardists of all skill levels.
NEEDS TO BE MIXED – This product arrives as a concentrate that needs to be mixed before application. Depending on the desired results, there are various mixing rates for each plant. Make sure to read all directions on the label before use.

FOLIAGE PROTECTOR – Protects a wide range of vegetation including apples, pears, cherries, eggplant, beans, tomatoes, petunias, roses, and many more fruit, nut, and ornamental trees.
CONTROLS A VARIETY OF INSECTS AND DISEASES – This pest control is great for use on aphids, Japanese beetles, leafhoppers, ants, crickets, cockroaches, and other pests. It also controls powdery mildew, apple scab, flyspeck, black mold and many more.
COMPLETE COVERAGE – This product is a complete concentrate that contains insecticide, fungicide, miticide, aphicide, and scalicide. Designed specifically to protect home orchards from the ravages of listed insects and diseases.
PERFECT FOR ALL SKILL LEVELS – Fruit Tree and Plant Guard Concentrate is an excellent multi-purpose product for hobby home orchardists of all skill levels.
NEEDS TO BE MIXED – This product arrives as a concentrate that needs to be mixed before application. Depending on the desired results, there are various mixing rates for each plant. Make sure to read all directions on the label before use.

not rated $24.50$79.00 Select optionsChoose Item
FPT x FHT 3/4
Garden Hose Fittings

3/4″ FPT x FHT

3/4″ FPT x FHT

not rated $0.15$4.10 Select optionsChoose Item
Garden Weeder-pointed
Garden Weeder

Thousands of these hand weeders are used by commercial vegetable, flower growers and home gardeners.

Thousands of these hand weeders are used by commercial vegetable, flower growers and home gardeners.

not rated $9.75 Select optionsChoose Item
Greenhouse Insecticides

AVID® Miticide/Insecticide Ω  Unsurpassed protection against mites and leafminers.Targets mites and leafminers in ornamentals, cut flower & pot plants, field and container grown nurseries, trees and shrubs, and turf. Compatible with beneficial arthropods and IPM programs. The liquid formulation is odorless, becomes rain fast within hours of application and leaves no unsightly residue on the foliage. Can be tank-mixed with many other products. 8 OZ size  Quart size
CITATION ® Ω Effective control of leaf miner larvae in ornamentals. Disrupts the normal larvae growth development & prevents them from reaching adult maturity. Targets dipterous insects on a wide array of plants including ornamentals, pot plants and shrubs. For use indoor, in outdoor nursery settings and greenhouses. Compatible with beneficial arthropods. Package contains 6 2.66 oz packets

.CONSERVE® SC Ω 11.65% Spinosyn. For control of lepidopterous larvae (such as cut-worm, sod webworm, armyworm, Eastern tent caterpillar, gypsy moth larvae, bagworm, fall webworm, and others ), sawflies, chrysomelid leaf feeding beetles such as elm & willow leaf beetles, diperous gall midges, thrips, and diperous leafminers infesting turf grass and ornamentals. Quart size

DECATHLON® 20WP Ω Active ingredient; 20.0% Cyfluthrin. Decathlon® 20 WP is effective for broad spectrum control of crawling and flying insect pests on ornamental & nursery stock. Decathlon 20 WP will not stain or cause damage to any painted or varnished household surface, plastic, fabric or other surfaces where water applied alone causes no damage. 8 oz size. Jar.
DISTANCE® IGR Ω By preventing eggs, larvae and pupae from growing into breeding adults, Distance® insect Growth Regulator controls populations of whitefly, fungus gnats, scale and other pests. A non-restricted use pesticide that’s very host specific so it’s easy on beneficial insects. Its unique mode of action makes it a natural for resistance management programs.  Quart size
ENDEAVOR® Ω 50.0% Pymetrozine. This new class of chemical safely eliminates sap sucking aphids and whiteflies with its unique mode of action. As the aphid begins to tap into a plant treated with Endeavor, it’s
sucking mechanism is immediately and irreversibly paralyzed, the aphid pulls out its stylets. Aphid will die within 2- 4 days. Also extremely effective against sap sucking whiteflies. Pack contains 6 2.5 oz packs.
ENSTAR II Ω Insect growth regulator. For control of whiteflies, thrips, aphids, soft-bodied & armored scale,
mealy bugs & fungus gnats in greenhouses, shade houses & interior scapes on ornamentals. QT size
FLAGSHIP® 25 WG Ω Active ingredient; 25% Thiamethoxam. Flagship is for foliar & systemic control of pests on ornamental plants grown in greenhouses, lath & shade houses, containers, field nurseries & on Christmas trees. Flagship is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is active against many sucking & chewing insect pests by contact & ingestion. It is relatively short-lived on the surface of plant foliage, readily absorbed into plant tissues, & rain fast once it has dried. 8 oz size. 
FLORAMITE® Miticide Ω Provides outstanding control of a variety of mite pests on ornamental plants in greenhouse, shade houses, nursery, field, landscape and interior settings. Labeled for use on a virtually all types of ornamental plants, including bedding plants, flowering plants, foliage plants, bulb crops,  perennial plants and woody plants. Produces quick knock-down through contact activity and long residual control of
more than 21 days. It is effective on a variety of species mites and all life stages of tetranychid spider mites. Ideal in IPM and resistance management programs. Quart size.

JUDO™ MITACIDE/INSECTICIDE Ω Active ingredient: spiromesifen. Judo™ is a greenhouse and nursery insecticide/miticide that really packs a punch against all developmental stages of whiteflies and mites. Judo™ is translaminar and provides extended residual control, (whiteflies 21+ days & mites 30+ days).  Judo™ is the perfect choice to add to your spray rotation. 2 to 4 oz per 100 gallons. Judo™ is soft on beneficial, tough on whiteflies and mites. Recommended to Capsil surfactant. 8 oz size bottle 
KONTOSΩ 22.4% Spirotetramat. GH & nursery insecticide/miticide for foliar & systemic insect control ornamentals, vegetable plants in greenhouse. 250 mil size.
MAINSPRING GNLTM INSECTICIDE Ω Active ingredient: Cyantraniliprole 18.66%. For the control of sucking and chewing insects on various ornamentals. 1 Pint
MALLET .5G T&O Ω Active ingredient: Imidacloprid 0.5% 30 lb size
MARATHON® 1% GRANULAR Ω Active ingredient: Imidacloprid 1.0% The standard in control for whitefly and aphids in poinsettias, mums, & other flowering ornamentals Unprecedented control for up to 12 weeks.
REI: 12 hours. 5 LB size.
MARATHON® II Ω A flowable that allows for a foliar spray application of Marathon® on ornamentals and vegetable plants for resale grown in the greenhouse or nursery. With very low rates, Marathon® as a spray offers 3-4 weeks of control on sucking and piercing insects ( aphids, whiteflies and thrips, mealy bugs and soft scale ). REI: 12 hours  250 ml ( 8.45 fl oz )
MINX TM INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE Ω Active ingredient: Abamectin 2.0%. A quick and easy control for mite
or leaf miners. This emulsified concentrate when mixed with water according to the directions will control leaf miners, mite & suppress whiteflies, thrips & aphids on ornamentals. Mix with water & foliar apply.
Quart Gallon
Ovation SC Ω Suspension concentrate for mite management on commercial ornamental plants in greenhouses, outdoor containers & field grown nursery stock. 1 lb.

Orthene  ORTHENE® 97 insecticide’s active ingredient, acephate, is readily absorbed by plant roots and foliage to give both contact activity and systemic control of feeding insects in high-value vegetable crops as well as soybean, cotton and tobacco.

OVERTURE Ω Looking for a new mode of action to kill thrips? Here it is, Overture. Also controls many lepidopterous ( caterpillars). With its highly effective, new mode of action and new chemistry, Overture is intended for use in IPM programs. By introducing it into your program, you can break up any current resistance problems & prevent future insecticide resistance from developing. 8-2 oz pkt per package.
PYLON™ Ω The newest unique miticide on the market today. Offers contact control as well as long residual control (21-27 days). Gives excellent control of most mite species ( including two-spotted spider mite, apple rust mite, carmine spider mite, citrus bud mite and more. REI: 12 hours. Pint size
SAFARI™ 20 SG INSECTICIDE Ω Active ingredient: dinotefuran, a neonicotiniod insecticide. Use on
indoor & outdoor ornamentals in greenhouse, nursery & landscapes. Targets whiteflies, aphids, scale, leaf miner, mealy bugs & others. 3 lb size.
SIROCCOTM Ω Sirocco provides quick knockdown and long residual control of a wide variety of insects and pest such as thrips and mites. Sirocco may be used in greenhouse, shade houses, nurseries including
Christmas tree/conifer plantations), landscapes and interior scape. Labeled for use on ornamental bedding plants, flowering plants, foliage plants, bulb crops, perennials, and trees and shrubs. Insects controlled a long list of mites, aphids, thrips, whiteflies and leafminers. Active ingredient; Bifenazate + Abamectin.
MOA; Unknown + 6 8 oz package
TALSTAR® FLOWABLE Ω Insecticide/miticide. A true miticide with quick knockdown and good residual control. It is safe for poinsettias in color, plugs and blooms. Exhibits excellent control of whiteflies, fungus gnats, shore flies, aphids, and mites. Labeled for use in greenhouses and interior scapes. Quart size
TetraSan®Ω Miticide With excellent translaminar movement & outstanding residual activity, tetraSan® miticide affects spider mites at all life stages without harming most beneficial insects. TetraSan® controls
spider mites on the underside of leaves, even when it’s difficult to get good under-leaf spray coverage.1 lb 

TRISTAR® 8.5L Ω A foliar insecticide with broad spectrum control of key, economically important, insect pests like aphids, mealy bugs, caterpillars, white flies, thrips, leaf eating beetles and leafminers. Active ingredient: Acetamiprid 8.5%    Qt

AVID® Miticide/Insecticide Ω  Unsurpassed protection against mites and leafminers.Targets mites and leafminers in ornamentals, cut flower & pot plants, field and container grown nurseries, trees and shrubs, and turf. Compatible with beneficial arthropods and IPM programs. The liquid formulation is odorless, becomes rain fast within hours of application and leaves no unsightly residue on the foliage. Can be tank-mixed with many other products. 8 OZ size  Quart size
CITATION ® Ω Effective control of leaf miner larvae in ornamentals. Disrupts the normal larvae growth development & prevents them from reaching adult maturity. Targets dipterous insects on a wide array of plants including ornamentals, pot plants and shrubs. For use indoor, in outdoor nursery settings and greenhouses. Compatible with beneficial arthropods. Package contains 6 2.66 oz packets

.CONSERVE® SC Ω 11.65% Spinosyn. For control of lepidopterous larvae (such as cut-worm, sod webworm, armyworm, Eastern tent caterpillar, gypsy moth larvae, bagworm, fall webworm, and others ), sawflies, chrysomelid leaf feeding beetles such as elm & willow leaf beetles, diperous gall midges, thrips, and diperous leafminers infesting turf grass and ornamentals. Quart size

DECATHLON® 20WP Ω Active ingredient; 20.0% Cyfluthrin. Decathlon® 20 WP is effective for broad spectrum control of crawling and flying insect pests on ornamental & nursery stock. Decathlon 20 WP will not stain or cause damage to any painted or varnished household surface, plastic, fabric or other surfaces where water applied alone causes no damage. 8 oz size. Jar.
DISTANCE® IGR Ω By preventing eggs, larvae and pupae from growing into breeding adults, Distance® insect Growth Regulator controls populations of whitefly, fungus gnats, scale and other pests. A non-restricted use pesticide that’s very host specific so it’s easy on beneficial insects. Its unique mode of action makes it a natural for resistance management programs.  Quart size
ENDEAVOR® Ω 50.0% Pymetrozine. This new class of chemical safely eliminates sap sucking aphids and whiteflies with its unique mode of action. As the aphid begins to tap into a plant treated with Endeavor, it’s
sucking mechanism is immediately and irreversibly paralyzed, the aphid pulls out its stylets. Aphid will die within 2- 4 days. Also extremely effective against sap sucking whiteflies. Pack contains 6 2.5 oz packs.
ENSTAR II Ω Insect growth regulator. For control of whiteflies, thrips, aphids, soft-bodied & armored scale,
mealy bugs & fungus gnats in greenhouses, shade houses & interior scapes on ornamentals. QT size
FLAGSHIP® 25 WG Ω Active ingredient; 25% Thiamethoxam. Flagship is for foliar & systemic control of pests on ornamental plants grown in greenhouses, lath & shade houses, containers, field nurseries & on Christmas trees. Flagship is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is active against many sucking & chewing insect pests by contact & ingestion. It is relatively short-lived on the surface of plant foliage, readily absorbed into plant tissues, & rain fast once it has dried. 8 oz size. 
FLORAMITE® Miticide Ω Provides outstanding control of a variety of mite pests on ornamental plants in greenhouse, shade houses, nursery, field, landscape and interior settings. Labeled for use on a virtually all types of ornamental plants, including bedding plants, flowering plants, foliage plants, bulb crops,  perennial plants and woody plants. Produces quick knock-down through contact activity and long residual control of
more than 21 days. It is effective on a variety of species mites and all life stages of tetranychid spider mites. Ideal in IPM and resistance management programs. Quart size.

JUDO™ MITACIDE/INSECTICIDE Ω Active ingredient: spiromesifen. Judo™ is a greenhouse and nursery insecticide/miticide that really packs a punch against all developmental stages of whiteflies and mites. Judo™ is translaminar and provides extended residual control, (whiteflies 21+ days & mites 30+ days).  Judo™ is the perfect choice to add to your spray rotation. 2 to 4 oz per 100 gallons. Judo™ is soft on beneficial, tough on whiteflies and mites. Recommended to Capsil surfactant. 8 oz size bottle 
KONTOSΩ 22.4% Spirotetramat. GH & nursery insecticide/miticide for foliar & systemic insect control ornamentals, vegetable plants in greenhouse. 250 mil size.
MAINSPRING GNLTM INSECTICIDE Ω Active ingredient: Cyantraniliprole 18.66%. For the control of sucking and chewing insects on various ornamentals. 1 Pint
MALLET .5G T&O Ω Active ingredient: Imidacloprid 0.5% 30 lb size
MARATHON® 1% GRANULAR Ω Active ingredient: Imidacloprid 1.0% The standard in control for whitefly and aphids in poinsettias, mums, & other flowering ornamentals Unprecedented control for up to 12 weeks.
REI: 12 hours. 5 LB size.
MARATHON® II Ω A flowable that allows for a foliar spray application of Marathon® on ornamentals and vegetable plants for resale grown in the greenhouse or nursery. With very low rates, Marathon® as a spray offers 3-4 weeks of control on sucking and piercing insects ( aphids, whiteflies and thrips, mealy bugs and soft scale ). REI: 12 hours  250 ml ( 8.45 fl oz )
MINX TM INSECTICIDE/MITICIDE Ω Active ingredient: Abamectin 2.0%. A quick and easy control for mite
or leaf miners. This emulsified concentrate when mixed with water according to the directions will control leaf miners, mite & suppress whiteflies, thrips & aphids on ornamentals. Mix with water & foliar apply.
Quart Gallon
Ovation SC Ω Suspension concentrate for mite management on commercial ornamental plants in greenhouses, outdoor containers & field grown nursery stock. 1 lb.

Orthene  ORTHENE® 97 insecticide’s active ingredient, acephate, is readily absorbed by plant roots and foliage to give both contact activity and systemic control of feeding insects in high-value vegetable crops as well as soybean, cotton and tobacco.

OVERTURE Ω Looking for a new mode of action to kill thrips? Here it is, Overture. Also controls many lepidopterous ( caterpillars). With its highly effective, new mode of action and new chemistry, Overture is intended for use in IPM programs. By introducing it into your program, you can break up any current resistance problems & prevent future insecticide resistance from developing. 8-2 oz pkt per package.
PYLON™ Ω The newest unique miticide on the market today. Offers contact control as well as long residual control (21-27 days). Gives excellent control of most mite species ( including two-spotted spider mite, apple rust mite, carmine spider mite, citrus bud mite and more. REI: 12 hours. Pint size
SAFARI™ 20 SG INSECTICIDE Ω Active ingredient: dinotefuran, a neonicotiniod insecticide. Use on
indoor & outdoor ornamentals in greenhouse, nursery & landscapes. Targets whiteflies, aphids, scale, leaf miner, mealy bugs & others. 3 lb size.
SIROCCOTM Ω Sirocco provides quick knockdown and long residual control of a wide variety of insects and pest such as thrips and mites. Sirocco may be used in greenhouse, shade houses, nurseries including
Christmas tree/conifer plantations), landscapes and interior scape. Labeled for use on ornamental bedding plants, flowering plants, foliage plants, bulb crops, perennials, and trees and shrubs. Insects controlled a long list of mites, aphids, thrips, whiteflies and leafminers. Active ingredient; Bifenazate + Abamectin.
MOA; Unknown + 6 8 oz package
TALSTAR® FLOWABLE Ω Insecticide/miticide. A true miticide with quick knockdown and good residual control. It is safe for poinsettias in color, plugs and blooms. Exhibits excellent control of whiteflies, fungus gnats, shore flies, aphids, and mites. Labeled for use in greenhouses and interior scapes. Quart size
TetraSan®Ω Miticide With excellent translaminar movement & outstanding residual activity, tetraSan® miticide affects spider mites at all life stages without harming most beneficial insects. TetraSan® controls
spider mites on the underside of leaves, even when it’s difficult to get good under-leaf spray coverage.1 lb 

TRISTAR® 8.5L Ω A foliar insecticide with broad spectrum control of key, economically important, insect pests like aphids, mealy bugs, caterpillars, white flies, thrips, leaf eating beetles and leafminers. Active ingredient: Acetamiprid 8.5%    Qt

not rated $19.95$631.50 Select optionsChoose Item
Guard n Eyes
Guard n Eyes

GUARD’N EYES Bird scaring balloon has “eyes” that scare away pests

GUARD’N EYES Bird scaring balloon has “eyes” that scare away pests

not rated $10.15 Add to cartChoose Item
Hand Tillage Tools

The heads of these hoes are made of recycled agricultural disk blades which is a high grade tempered steel well suited for strength and holding an edge. Hoes are sharpened on all 3 sides and they do hold an edge! Do not make the mistake some people make and only buy one. You need one for each helper in the produce patch or garden or you will have a fight on your hands.

Item       Blade   Handle
size      length

H50VW 6″ X 6″ 12″
H575G6 5.75″ X 2″ 60″
H575G12 5.75″ X 2″ 12″
H70G6 7″ X 2.5″ 60″
H60G 6″ X 1″ 12″
H60G6 6″ X 1″ 60″
H40G6 4″ X 4″ 60″
H40G 4″ X 4″ 12″
H00G12 3.5″ top 12″
H00G6 3.5″ top 60″
H40S6 4″ 60″
H60S6 6″ 60″
H80S6 8″ 60″
110SC 11″ 60″
H40F6 4″ 60″
H55F6 5.5″ 60″
H70F6 7″ 60″
70SC 7″ 60″
H75G 7.5″ x 2″ 12″  Swan neck
H75G6 7.5″ x 2″ 60″  Swan neck
H65G6 6.5″ x 2″ 60″  Swan neck
H80S6 8″ 60″
100SC 10″ 60″
70NBR 7″ 60″
H60 Handle 60″ Pro-hoe
H60S Handle 60″ Scuffle
H-F60 Handle 60” Field-hoe

Home Collection contains our Dainty but Tough Garden Hoe (40G), the 40S Scuffle Hoe, and the Short “Do It All” hoe(65VW). The perfect collection for the serious gardener.

Our flat hoe will seamlessly “crossover” from the garden to the field and beyond.

H15J60 1.5/5″ w X 6.5″ H crossover Tool
H50J60 5″ w X 5.25″ H crossover Tool
H70J60 7″ w X 5.25″ H crossover Tool


Small transplanter      2.8″ x 9″
Trowel                        3.3″ x 6″
Small weeder             2.7″ x 8.7″
Cultivator                    3.4″ x 8.2″
Mid-size spade 30″ handle   8.7″ X 13″
Mid-size Shovel 30″ handle  9.4″ x 11″
Mid-size transplanter. 30″ handle    7.8″ X 11.5″
4 tine digging fork. 30″ handle         7.5″ x 11.5″
Narrow 4 tine border fork. 30″ handle   5.5″ x 9.2″
Mid-size weeder. 30″ handle           1.6″ x 11″
Edger. 1/2 round blade. 30″ handle 9″ x 5.5″

The heads of these hoes are made of recycled agricultural disk blades which is a high grade tempered steel well suited for strength and holding an edge. Hoes are sharpened on all 3 sides and they do hold an edge! Do not make the mistake some people make and only buy one. You need one for each helper in the produce patch or garden or you will have a fight on your hands.

Item       Blade   Handle
size      length

H50VW 6″ X 6″ 12″
H575G6 5.75″ X 2″ 60″
H575G12 5.75″ X 2″ 12″
H70G6 7″ X 2.5″ 60″
H60G 6″ X 1″ 12″
H60G6 6″ X 1″ 60″
H40G6 4″ X 4″ 60″
H40G 4″ X 4″ 12″
H00G12 3.5″ top 12″
H00G6 3.5″ top 60″
H40S6 4″ 60″
H60S6 6″ 60″
H80S6 8″ 60″
110SC 11″ 60″
H40F6 4″ 60″
H55F6 5.5″ 60″
H70F6 7″ 60″
70SC 7″ 60″
H75G 7.5″ x 2″ 12″  Swan neck
H75G6 7.5″ x 2″ 60″  Swan neck
H65G6 6.5″ x 2″ 60″  Swan neck
H80S6 8″ 60″
100SC 10″ 60″
70NBR 7″ 60″
H60 Handle 60″ Pro-hoe
H60S Handle 60″ Scuffle
H-F60 Handle 60” Field-hoe

Home Collection contains our Dainty but Tough Garden Hoe (40G), the 40S Scuffle Hoe, and the Short “Do It All” hoe(65VW). The perfect collection for the serious gardener.

Our flat hoe will seamlessly “crossover” from the garden to the field and beyond.

H15J60 1.5/5″ w X 6.5″ H crossover Tool
H50J60 5″ w X 5.25″ H crossover Tool
H70J60 7″ w X 5.25″ H crossover Tool


Small transplanter      2.8″ x 9″
Trowel                        3.3″ x 6″
Small weeder             2.7″ x 8.7″
Cultivator                    3.4″ x 8.2″
Mid-size spade 30″ handle   8.7″ X 13″
Mid-size Shovel 30″ handle  9.4″ x 11″
Mid-size transplanter. 30″ handle    7.8″ X 11.5″
4 tine digging fork. 30″ handle         7.5″ x 11.5″
Narrow 4 tine border fork. 30″ handle   5.5″ x 9.2″
Mid-size weeder. 30″ handle           1.6″ x 11″
Edger. 1/2 round blade. 30″ handle 9″ x 5.5″

not rated $12.00$49.00 Select optionsChoose Item
10" Dillens Trad HB S/L green
Hanging Baskets

w/s = with saucer on pot

S/L = No saucer on pot

10″ Dillen’s Trad. HB w/s, green
10″Dillen’s Trad. HB w/s, white
10″ Dillen’s TRAD. HB S/L white
10″ Dillen’s Trad HB S/L green
12″ Dillen’s Euro HB S/L white
12″ Dillen’s Euro HB S/L green


17″ 3 wire hanger for 6-10″ baskets
21″ 3 wire hanger for 10″ baskets
21″ 3 wire hanger for 10″ baskets, fish hook type
24″ 4 wire hanger for 12″ baskets
3 strand green plastic hanger for 10″ baskets
3 strand white plastic hanger for 10″ baskets
4 strand green plastic hanger for 12″ baskets
4 strand white plastic hanger for 12″ baskets
10″ Round Coco liner
12″ Round Coco liner
14″ Round Coco liner

16″ Round Coco liner

12″, 15″, and 18″ S hooks

w/s = with saucer on pot

S/L = No saucer on pot

10″ Dillen’s Trad. HB w/s, green
10″Dillen’s Trad. HB w/s, white
10″ Dillen’s TRAD. HB S/L white
10″ Dillen’s Trad HB S/L green
12″ Dillen’s Euro HB S/L white
12″ Dillen’s Euro HB S/L green


17″ 3 wire hanger for 6-10″ baskets
21″ 3 wire hanger for 10″ baskets
21″ 3 wire hanger for 10″ baskets, fish hook type
24″ 4 wire hanger for 12″ baskets
3 strand green plastic hanger for 10″ baskets
3 strand white plastic hanger for 10″ baskets
4 strand green plastic hanger for 12″ baskets
4 strand white plastic hanger for 12″ baskets
10″ Round Coco liner
12″ Round Coco liner
14″ Round Coco liner

16″ Round Coco liner

12″, 15″, and 18″ S hooks

not rated $0.30$389.75 Select optionsChoose Item
Hi Yield Killzall Aquatic Quart

Labeled for annual and perennial weeds, woody brush and trees, aquatic and other new crop sites, wildlife habitat restoration and management areas, cut stump application plus control of winter annual weeds in dormant Bermuda Grass.

One quart covers up to one acre. Consult chart on label for recommended application rates.

Labeled for annual and perennial weeds, woody brush and trees, aquatic and other new crop sites, wildlife habitat restoration and management areas, cut stump application plus control of winter annual weeds in dormant Bermuda Grass.

One quart covers up to one acre. Consult chart on label for recommended application rates.

not rated $34.98 Add to cartChoose Item
Hi-yield® 2, 4-D

AMERICAN® 2, 4-D πA effective post-emergent herbicide

AMERICAN® 2, 4-D πA effective post-emergent herbicide

not rated $5.99$18.99 Select optionsChoose Item
Hi-Yield® Muriate Of Potash

Analysi: 0-0-60. An excellent source of Potassium, which helps plants
form healthy stems, roots and tuber growth. Great for below ground
forming vegetables such as Potatoes, Carrots and others.

Analysi: 0-0-60. An excellent source of Potassium, which helps plants
form healthy stems, roots and tuber growth. Great for below ground
forming vegetables such as Potatoes, Carrots and others.

not rated $8.98 Add to cartChoose Item
Holographic Scare Tape
Holographic Scare Tape

HOLOGRAPHIC SCARE TAPE Reflective scarecrow tape with moving circular holograms

HOLOGRAPHIC SCARE TAPE Reflective scarecrow tape with moving circular holograms

not rated $6.25 Select optionsChoose Item

Regular 11″ dia x 6 1/2″ high
King Size 11″ dia. X 9 1/2″ high

Regular 11″ dia x 6 1/2″ high
King Size 11″ dia. X 9 1/2″ high

not rated $13.15$246.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Hudson FOG Portable Electric Atomizer

Ultra Low Volume Mist for Indoor/Outdoor Use

• Adjustable output of 1.5-14 gallons per hour
• Includes large commercial coiled hose for directing ULV chemical mist
• Operates on 110V AC power
• Lightweight poly tank—2 gallon
• Outputs 22 – 46 microns particle size—average droplet 20 micron
• Sprays 13.5 feet
• For portable use
• Carrying strap

Ultra Low Volume Mist for Indoor/Outdoor Use

• Adjustable output of 1.5-14 gallons per hour
• Includes large commercial coiled hose for directing ULV chemical mist
• Operates on 110V AC power
• Lightweight poly tank—2 gallon
• Outputs 22 – 46 microns particle size—average droplet 20 micron
• Sprays 13.5 feet
• For portable use
• Carrying strap

not rated $199.95 Add to cartChoose Item
  • Current temperature and humidity reading with simultaneous display of Max and Min memory
  • Auto-switch display between indoor and outdoor temperature reading
  • Continuous indoor relative humidity and temperature display
  • 3 meter temperature sensor for convenient placement
  • Jumbo screen display


  • Current temperature and humidity reading with simultaneous display of Max and Min memory
  • Auto-switch display between indoor and outdoor temperature reading
  • Continuous indoor relative humidity and temperature display
  • 3 meter temperature sensor for convenient placement
  • Jumbo screen display


not rated $6.75 Add to cartChoose Item
I-G Regulator

I-G REGULATOR Formulation: 1.3% Nylar® Prevents fleas and roaches from reaching the adult stage for up to 7 months. For use on carpets, rugs and furniture. Also can be sprayed in dog houses, kennels and pet sleeping areas. Mix 1 oz of concentrate in 1 gallon of water to cover up to 1,500 sq ft. 4 oz  size.

I-G REGULATOR Formulation: 1.3% Nylar® Prevents fleas and roaches from reaching the adult stage for up to 7 months. For use on carpets, rugs and furniture. Also can be sprayed in dog houses, kennels and pet sleeping areas. Mix 1 oz of concentrate in 1 gallon of water to cover up to 1,500 sq ft. 4 oz  size.

not rated $21.15 Add to cartChoose Item
Inoculant in a Shaker Can

Each 2.3 oz package treats a 40 foot row.

Each 8.7 oz can will treat 150 of row.

Each 1.5 oz  package treats up to 8 pounds of seed.

Gardening soil inoculants are a type of bacteria added to the soil to “seed” the soil. In other words, a small amount of bacteria is added when using pea and bean inoculants so it can multiply and become a large amount of bacteria.The kind of bacteria used for legume inoculants is Rhizobium leguminosarum, which is a nitrogen fixing bacteria. These bacteria “infect” the legumes growing in the soil and cause the legumes to form the nitrogen fixing nodules that make peas and beans the nitrogen powerhouses they are.

Each 2.3 oz package treats a 40 foot row.

Each 8.7 oz can will treat 150 of row.

Each 1.5 oz  package treats up to 8 pounds of seed.

Gardening soil inoculants are a type of bacteria added to the soil to “seed” the soil. In other words, a small amount of bacteria is added when using pea and bean inoculants so it can multiply and become a large amount of bacteria.The kind of bacteria used for legume inoculants is Rhizobium leguminosarum, which is a nitrogen fixing bacteria. These bacteria “infect” the legumes growing in the soil and cause the legumes to form the nitrogen fixing nodules that make peas and beans the nitrogen powerhouses they are.

not rated $6.95$11.25 Select optionsChoose Item
Jiffy 7’s

JIFFY 7® PELLETS Pot and sterile planting mix all in one handy pellet!


JIFFY 7® PELLETS Pot and sterile planting mix all in one handy pellet!


not rated $1.50$135.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Kick Away Boot Cleaner

Get the dirt and mud off of your shoes and boots before you get yelled at.

Get the dirt and mud off of your shoes and boots before you get yelled at.

not rated $42.20 Add to cartChoose Item
Lawn & Garden Granules 10#



not rated $10.75 Add to cartChoose Item