If sweet onions are what you are looking for, you will need to plant onion plants. Most varieties are sweeter and are poor keepers in storage. All onion plants are grown in Texas and are certified by the Texas Department of Agricultural. There are 45-60 plants per bunch and 30 bunches per crate. Onion plants should be in by the last of February. We will begin taking orders around mid December and stop when we run out.
Shipping weight: 1 bunch 1 LB 1/2 crate 15 lbs Full crate 25 lbs

To determine the proper day length onion you want, visit this site. http://www.dixondalefarms.com/onion_plant_daylengths

Onion/Leek Plants

Candy – 85 days. Intermediate type onion. Can be grown in the north or south. Produces yellow skinned white flesh bulb with a sweet, mild flavor. With proper care, they will keep until February or March if you do not eat them all by then.

Patterson – 110 days. A yellow globe shaped, slightly pungent F1 reaching up to 4″
Diameter. Will store for 10-12 months when grown in the northern states. Introducing Patterson, our Copra replacement! We were informed several seasons ago that Copra seed was no longer going to be produced. Dixondale Farms purchased all the seed available at the time to meet our customersā€™ demand for as long as possible. The time has come and we are sure Patterson will continue to provide the longest storage potential our varieties offer. Patterson provides great storage potential, firmness, with larger size potential, better uniformity, and higher yield potential compared to Copra.

Red Candy – 95 days Intermediate day. Deep, red, flattened, globe shaped sweet hybrid. Up to 4ā€³ in diameter. Stores up to 60 days.

Super Star – Days to Harvest: 95 Intermediate day. White, globe shaped, sweet, hybrid Size Potential: 4″Ā  Storage Potential: 2 months

Also known as Sierra Blanca. Only white onion ever to win the coveted All-American Selection. This is a proven variety for intermediate and northern short day areas. The strong tall foliage will protect the bulbs from sunburning.

Texas Supersweet –Ā 115 days. Short day. The most popular yellow onion plant we sell. The soft-ball sized, straw color globes are heat & drought tolerant. Keeps for months without losing itā€™s flavor. Very mild. Short day .

Walla Walla – 90 days Long day. Over wintering type. For fall and early spring sowing in the north. An onion that is sweet, even right from harvest. Must be used soon after harvest as they are poor keepers. states.

Lancelot Leeks – Lancelot leeks are the easiest to grow and most widely adaptable leeks available.




Candy – 85 days. Intermediate type onion. Can be grown in the north or south. Produces yellow skinned white flesh bulb with a sweet, mild flavor. With proper care, they will keep until February or March if you do not eat them all by then.

Patterson – 110 days. A yellow globe shaped, slightly pungent F1 reaching up to 4″
Diameter. Will store for 10-12 months when grown in the northern states. Introducing Patterson, our Copra replacement! We were informed several seasons ago that Copra seed was no longer going to be produced. Dixondale Farms purchased all the seed available at the time to meet our customersā€™ demand for as long as possible. The time has come and we are sure Patterson will continue to provide the longest storage potential our varieties offer. Patterson provides great storage potential, firmness, with larger size potential, better uniformity, and higher yield potential compared to Copra.

Red Candy – 95 days Intermediate day. Deep, red, flattened, globe shaped sweet hybrid. Up to 4ā€³ in diameter. Stores up to 60 days.

Super Star – Days to Harvest: 95 Intermediate day. White, globe shaped, sweet, hybrid Size Potential: 4″Ā  Storage Potential: 2 months

Also known as Sierra Blanca. Only white onion ever to win the coveted All-American Selection. This is a proven variety for intermediate and northern short day areas. The strong tall foliage will protect the bulbs from sunburning.

Texas Supersweet –Ā 115 days. Short day. The most popular yellow onion plant we sell. The soft-ball sized, straw color globes are heat & drought tolerant. Keeps for months without losing itā€™s flavor. Very mild. Short day .

Walla Walla – 90 days Long day. Over wintering type. For fall and early spring sowing in the north. An onion that is sweet, even right from harvest. Must be used soon after harvest as they are poor keepers. states.

Lancelot Leeks – Lancelot leeks are the easiest to grow and most widely adaptable leeks available.




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