SQUASH, SUMMER Approximately 300 seeds per oz.
PLANTING: Plant seeds in late spring or early summer. Place seed 1/2-1″ deep, 2-3 seeds per hill, spaced 2-3′ apart. After
emergence, thin to one healthy plant. Seed can also be planted in peat pots or Pro-trays and transplanted.
HARVEST: Pick squash regularly to ensure a steady supply. Best flavor when fruits are small, 4-6″ long and skin is still
tender and easily punctured with finger nail. Use in many ways.
You will need 2 oz of seeds per 100′ row or 4 lbs per acre. PKT size: about 30 seeds or 1/8 oz.

Winter Harvest Blend
This mixture of winter squash and pumpkins make it an excellent choice for
gardener who wants to add a little excitement to their gardening.
untreated seed
This mixture of winter squash and pumpkins make it an excellent choice for
gardener who wants to add a little excitement to their gardening.
untreated seed