EGGPLANT Approximately 6,000 seed per oz.
PLANTING: Start seeds in early April or 8 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Place seeds in Jiffy 7’s or
in flats with insert and a good soil substitute, like Berger BM-2. Plants seeds 1/4″ deep. Germinate at 80F until
sprouted. After emergence, reduce temperature to 70F. Transplant outdoors after all danger of frost is past & soil has
warmed up. Space plants 18-20″ apart in row. Control insects with insecticide. Hi-yield Garden & pet dust
works fine in the garden for this. HARVEST: Clip fruit stem with a knife or small pruning shear when desired
size is reached. Pick regularly to encourage future fruit set. PKT size: F1 or hybrid 25 seeds rest about 1/8 oz.