CULTURE: In mid-spring or as soon as soil has warmed up, till soil nice and fine. Place seeds 1/4-1/2″ deep
in a row or a 2-4″ wide band. Greens may be harvested in a young tender stage of 2-4″ tall or left to grow larger in
size depending on use. Use fresh in salads or stir fried. PKT size: 1/4-3/8 OZ.

Braising Mix
A growing trend and market which uses a blend of different mustard varieties and arugula. Our dealers can help you develop a custom braising mix for your specific market or growing region. Also used for multiple picking in home gardens. This very healthy alternative to lettuce blends is becoming very popular.
A growing trend and market which uses a blend of different mustard varieties and arugula. Our dealers can help you develop a custom braising mix for your specific market or growing region. Also used for multiple picking in home gardens. This very healthy alternative to lettuce blends is becoming very popular.

Corn Salad Dutch
CORN SALAD, Dutch Great salad green.
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” Please include your name, address, and product name.
CORN SALAD, Dutch Great salad green.
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” Please include your name, address, and product name.

Salad Greens Mix
SALAD GREENS MIX A blend of Arugula, Green Wave or southern Giant
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” Please include your name, address, and product name.
SALAD GREENS MIX A blend of Arugula, Green Wave or southern Giant
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” Please include your name, address, and product name.