Peaches & Cream F1 HSE

85 days. A great tasting bi-color.

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85 days. A great tasting bi-color.

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not rated $5.10$775.00 Select optionsChoose Item

Purplish stems are 2-4 ft tall, has 2 inch broad smooth leaves that are distinctly stalked.

Seeds/ounce ā€“ 450,000

Pkt Weight ā€“ 1/168

Purplish stems are 2-4 ft tall, has 2 inch broad smooth leaves that are distinctly stalked.

Seeds/ounce ā€“ 450,000

Pkt Weight ā€“ 1/168

not rated $4.00$901.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Perfection Savoy

I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” Please include your name and address.

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I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” Please include your name and address.

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not rated $1.90$24.75 Select optionsChoose Item
not rated $1.70$47.50 Select optionsChoose Item
Pick A Bushel F1

This Regional AAS Winner is great for northern areas because it is early to set fruit, offers a prolific quantity of fruit and is a compact bush-type cucumber spreading only about 24 inches. Pick a Bushel offers a sweeter tasting light-green cucumber with a nice firm texture, perfect for pickling when harvested early. Fruits left on the bush-type vines longer can get up to 6ā€ long and can be enjoyed fresh in salads.

For those gardeners looking for a cucumber that can be grown in patio containers, Pick a Bushel is a great option.

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This Regional AAS Winner is great for northern areas because it is early to set fruit, offers a prolific quantity of fruit and is a compact bush-type cucumber spreading only about 24 inches. Pick a Bushel offers a sweeter tasting light-green cucumber with a nice firm texture, perfect for pickling when harvested early. Fruits left on the bush-type vines longer can get up to 6ā€ long and can be enjoyed fresh in salads.

For those gardeners looking for a cucumber that can be grown in patio containers, Pick a Bushel is a great option.

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not rated $1.50$216.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Pink Banana Jumbo

105 days. Very large fruit, up to30″ long, shaped like a giant banana.

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105 days. Very large fruit, up to30″ long, shaped like a giant banana.

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not rated $1.50$148.75 Select optionsChoose Item
Pink Celebration
Pink Beauty

30 days. Unusual pink skin!!Root is 1 to 1 1/4″ diameterwith mild white flesh. 2,500 seeds per ounce pkt has about 800

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30 days. Unusual pink skin!!Root is 1 to 1 1/4″ diameterwith mild white flesh. 2,500 seeds per ounce pkt has about 800

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not rated $1.70$84.75 Select optionsChoose Item
Pink Eyed Purple Hulled

49 days. The best with excellent flavor.

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49 days. The best with excellent flavor.

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not rated $3.10$227.50 Select optionsChoose Item
Pink Girl

PINK GIRL F1 I VFFN 76 days.Ā  Pkt contains 25 seeds

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PINK GIRL F1 I VFFN 76 days.Ā  Pkt contains 25 seeds

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not rated $2.80$251.20 Select optionsChoose Item
Pink Stuffer
Pink Stuffer I

80 days. This pink colored fruit is excellent for stuffing.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

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80 days. This pink colored fruit is excellent for stuffing.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

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not rated $1.60$150.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Pinto Bean

85 days. Light buff, speckled, brownish red bean.

about 1500 seeds per lb

1/4 lb about 375 seeds

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85 days. Light buff, speckled, brownish red bean.

about 1500 seeds per lb

1/4 lb about 375 seeds

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not rated $2.40$325.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Prize Head
not rated $1.30$90.75 Select optionsChoose Item
Prizewinner F1

120 days. Largest of all exhibition or brag patch pumpkins with a true pumpkin shape and color.

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120 days. Largest of all exhibition or brag patch pumpkins with a true pumpkin shape and color.

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not rated $10.40$2,958.50 Select optionsChoose Item
Progress #9

62 days. Also known as Laxton.

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62 days. Also known as Laxton.

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not rated $5.20$400.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Providence F1 SH2 with Cruiser

Cruiser provides protection to:

  • Northern corn leaf blight
  • Common rust
  • Stewart’s wilt

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Cruiser provides protection to:

  • Northern corn leaf blight
  • Common rust
  • Stewart’s wilt

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not rated $7.10$1,175.00 Select optionsChoose Item

1500 per lb

1/4 lb about 375 seeds

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1500 per lb

1/4 lb about 375 seeds

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not rated $3.50$440.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Pumpkin Blue Prince F1

110 days This hybrid Cinderella type pumpkin is 12″ in diameter and weighs around
7-9 lbs. It is powdery mildew tolerant and Southern Root Rot resistant.
untreated seed

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110 days This hybrid Cinderella type pumpkin is 12″ in diameter and weighs around
7-9 lbs. It is powdery mildew tolerant and Southern Root Rot resistant.
untreated seed

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not rated $3.50$300.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Purdue 410 F1

105 days. A large kenneled yellow hybrid popcorn with a 40 to 1 expansion ratio for giant pops.

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105 days. A large kenneled yellow hybrid popcorn with a 40 to 1 expansion ratio for giant pops.

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not rated $3.40$325.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Pureza F1

Mexico fresh market type
Mid-late maturity
Heavy, dense curd
Strong wrap
Large outer leaves/vigorous plant
Approx. days to maturity from transplant: 76

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Mexico fresh market type
Mid-late maturity
Heavy, dense curd
Strong wrap
Large outer leaves/vigorous plant
Approx. days to maturity from transplant: 76

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not rated $2.90$86.30 Select optionsChoose Item
Purple Beauty

70 days. Short bushy plant has lots of leaves to protectfruit.

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70 days. Short bushy plant has lots of leaves to protectfruit.

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not rated $9.10$432.15 Select optionsChoose Item
Purple Top White Globe
Purple Top White Globe



not rated $1.50$617.50 Select optionsChoose Item
PV857 with Cruiser

1500 per lb

1/4 lb about 375 seeds

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1500 per lb

1/4 lb about 375 seeds

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not rated $3.70$316.00 Select optionsChoose Item