1500 per lb
1/4 lb about 375 seeds
Showing 426–450 of 589 results
44 days This plant is nearly spineless and has smooth green fruit
that is lightly flecked. It comes with a great disease tolerance
package. Treated seed 300 seeds per oz PKT size about 25 seeds
44 days This plant is nearly spineless and has smooth green fruit
that is lightly flecked. It comes with a great disease tolerance
package. Treated seed 300 seeds per oz PKT size about 25 seeds
72 days. Produces large to extra large 5″ x 5″ fruit. Medium tall plants
yield of a green to red blocky fruit. Early concentrated fruit set.
Tolerant to phytophthora, BLS (races 1, 2 & 5) & CMV. Treated.
72 days. Produces large to extra large 5″ x 5″ fruit. Medium tall plants
yield of a green to red blocky fruit. Early concentrated fruit set.
Tolerant to phytophthora, BLS (races 1, 2 & 5) & CMV. Treated.
ROCKY FORD 91 days.
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” errolahlers@morgancountyseeds.com. Please include your name and address.
ROCKY FORD 91 days.
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” errolahlers@morgancountyseeds.com. Please include your name and address.
The plant is used to flavor foods, in herbal teas, perfumes, and cosmetics. It is used to make a rinse for blonde hair, and is popular in aromatherapy; its practitioners believe it to be a calming agent to reduce stress and aid in sleep.
Its properties make it appropriate for the treatment of cracked nipples that develop during breastfeeding. It can be applied directly to the skin for pain and swelling. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy as it can cause uterine contractions and miscarriage.
Approximately 189,000 per ounceĀ Ā Pkt about 1000
The plant is used to flavor foods, in herbal teas, perfumes, and cosmetics. It is used to make a rinse for blonde hair, and is popular in aromatherapy; its practitioners believe it to be a calming agent to reduce stress and aid in sleep.
Its properties make it appropriate for the treatment of cracked nipples that develop during breastfeeding. It can be applied directly to the skin for pain and swelling. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy as it can cause uterine contractions and miscarriage.
Approximately 189,000 per ounceĀ Ā Pkt about 1000
65 days. Tall, upright romaine lettuce with flat, broad, large green to bronze to deep red leaves. 25,000 per ounce approximately 6,000 per Pkt
65 days. Tall, upright romaine lettuce with flat, broad, large green to bronze to deep red leaves. 25,000 per ounce approximately 6,000 per Pkt
1500 per lb
1/4 lb about 375 seeds
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” errolahlers@morgancountyseeds.com. Please include your name, address, and product name.
1500 per lb
1/4 lb about 375 seeds
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” errolahlers@morgancountyseeds.com. Please include your name, address, and product name.
65 days This tomato is known for it’s juicy fruit that is produced on an indeterminate plant. The fruit weighs in at 8-10 Oz and is globe shaped. 2-3 tomatoes per cluster with smooth shouldered
fruit. Untreated seed
65 days This tomato is known for it’s juicy fruit that is produced on an indeterminate plant. The fruit weighs in at 8-10 Oz and is globe shaped. 2-3 tomatoes per cluster with smooth shouldered
fruit. Untreated seed
85 days. Large, bushy plants with thick stems, vigorous growth and a prolific yield.
Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.
Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.
85 days. Large, bushy plants with thick stems, vigorous growth and a prolific yield.
Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.
Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.
SALAD GREENS MIX A blend of Arugula, Green Wave or southern Giant
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” errolahlers@morgancountyseeds.com. Please include your name, address, and product name.
SALAD GREENS MIX A blend of Arugula, Green Wave or southern Giant
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” errolahlers@morgancountyseeds.com. Please include your name, address, and product name.