Sugar Plum F1 I

75 days.Ā  Pkt contains 25 seeds

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75 days.Ā  Pkt contains 25 seeds

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not rated $1.60$95.60 Select optionsChoose Item
Sugar Sprint PVP

60 days. Very productive, 18-24″ vines produce crisp 2.5 – 3 inch pods with sweet flavor. No support is needed with this one.

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60 days. Very productive, 18-24″ vines produce crisp 2.5 – 3 inch pods with sweet flavor. No support is needed with this one.

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not rated $3.10$225.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Summer Savory

Nepeta cataria is cultivated as an ornamental plant for use in gardens.

Seeds/ounce – 42,500

Pkt Weight – 1/16

Nepeta cataria is cultivated as an ornamental plant for use in gardens.

Seeds/ounce – 42,500

Pkt Weight – 1/16

not rated $1.30$29.75 Select optionsChoose Item
Sun Sugar F1 I

62 days This great yellow cherry is resistant to cracking even though it has thinner skin. Tall plants grow loads of 1/2 oz golden fruit filled with that undeniable cherry tomato flavor.Ā  Pkt contains 25 seeds

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62 days This great yellow cherry is resistant to cracking even though it has thinner skin. Tall plants grow loads of 1/2 oz golden fruit filled with that undeniable cherry tomato flavor.Ā  Pkt contains 25 seeds

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not rated $4.80$499.80 Select optionsChoose Item

75 days. 5″x7″ fruit with thick walls. F1 pkt has 25 seeds non-F1 has about 150 seeds 4,000 per ounce

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75 days. 5″x7″ fruit with thick walls. F1 pkt has 25 seeds non-F1 has about 150 seeds 4,000 per ounce

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not rated $9.10$432.15 Select optionsChoose Item

I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send toā€ Please include your name, address, and product name.

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I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send toā€ Please include your name, address, and product name.

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not rated $3.00$193.25 Select optionsChoose Item

Dwarf Sungold (Teddy Bear)

65-75 days. This adorable 3.5″ sunflower produces very little pollen while growing on a 35-42″ tall stalk. It has multiple branches and works well for cut flowers. 1370 seeds per ounce. Untreated seed. Sold by weight

Autumn Beauty
7′ tall plant has blooms up to 8″ across. Colors of blooms are
red, orange, yellow and brown. Can be used for cut flowers. Also in organic. Sold by weight

Mammoth Gray Striped

Bright yellow flowers, up to 20″ across on top
of a 12′ plant.Ā  Also in organic. Sold by weight

Sunbright F1
30″ tall. Golden yellow petals with a brown
disk. Pollen less. 4-6″ blooms. Sold by count

Vincent’s Choice F1
5-6 ft tall, pollen-free & day-neutral for year round production. Short 8-10 week crop cycle.Broad nicely rounded petals for a semi-double look. Small upper leaves for easier shipping & arranging. Deep orange petals & brown center. Sold by count

Chocolate Cherry
Mouthwatering beautiful burgundy petals that are chocolate brown at the edge with yellow streaks on the underside. They are a joy to behold growing 54″ tall with 10-24″ long stems that work great in a cut flower assortment. Sold by weight

Peredovic Sunflowers

Pereedovic Sunflowers are a tall (3-4.5 ft tall), black seeded sunflower with high oil content and produce small compact seed heads.
Peredovic Sunflowers are an excellent choice for wildlife food plots for larger ruminants (deer, elk, etc) and for all types of fowl (ducks, doves, etc).
Peredovic Sunflowers are a meatier sunflower with a thinner outer shell, making them easier for birds and wildlife to eat.
Wildlife and birds also prefer the taste of the smaller seeded Peredovic sunflowers over the larger, striped varieties of sunflowers. Sold by weight

Dwarf Sungold (Teddy Bear)

65-75 days. This adorable 3.5″ sunflower produces very little pollen while growing on a 35-42″ tall stalk. It has multiple branches and works well for cut flowers. 1370 seeds per ounce. Untreated seed. Sold by weight

Autumn Beauty
7′ tall plant has blooms up to 8″ across. Colors of blooms are
red, orange, yellow and brown. Can be used for cut flowers. Also in organic. Sold by weight

Mammoth Gray Striped

Bright yellow flowers, up to 20″ across on top
of a 12′ plant.Ā  Also in organic. Sold by weight

Sunbright F1
30″ tall. Golden yellow petals with a brown
disk. Pollen less. 4-6″ blooms. Sold by count

Vincent’s Choice F1
5-6 ft tall, pollen-free & day-neutral for year round production. Short 8-10 week crop cycle.Broad nicely rounded petals for a semi-double look. Small upper leaves for easier shipping & arranging. Deep orange petals & brown center. Sold by count

Chocolate Cherry
Mouthwatering beautiful burgundy petals that are chocolate brown at the edge with yellow streaks on the underside. They are a joy to behold growing 54″ tall with 10-24″ long stems that work great in a cut flower assortment. Sold by weight

Peredovic Sunflowers

Pereedovic Sunflowers are a tall (3-4.5 ft tall), black seeded sunflower with high oil content and produce small compact seed heads.
Peredovic Sunflowers are an excellent choice for wildlife food plots for larger ruminants (deer, elk, etc) and for all types of fowl (ducks, doves, etc).
Peredovic Sunflowers are a meatier sunflower with a thinner outer shell, making them easier for birds and wildlife to eat.
Wildlife and birds also prefer the taste of the smaller seeded Peredovic sunflowers over the larger, striped varieties of sunflowers. Sold by weight

not rated $1.80$2,700.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Super Moon F1

NEW 90 days This AAS winner is a ghostly white, blemish free and round. It has a tough stem and is tolerant to powdery mildew and is resistant to Southern Root Rot. 50 lb fruit untreated seed pkt has 25 seeds

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NEW 90 days This AAS winner is a ghostly white, blemish free and round. It has a tough stem and is tolerant to powdery mildew and is resistant to Southern Root Rot. 50 lb fruit untreated seed pkt has 25 seeds

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not rated $3.50$300.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Super Star F1

80 days. This solid, green, cabbage has a medium to large head with an excellent holding ability in the field and after harvest. This cabbage is resistant to Fusarium Yellow race 1 and black rot tolerant.
Untreated seed.

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80 days. This solid, green, cabbage has a medium to large head with an excellent holding ability in the field and after harvest. This cabbage is resistant to Fusarium Yellow race 1 and black rot tolerant.
Untreated seed.

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not rated $2.90$40.30 Select optionsChoose Item
Super Sugar Snap

70 days. Fleshy, 3″ long, dark green podsare tender and can be used raw in salads

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70 days. Fleshy, 3″ long, dark green podsare tender and can be used raw in salads

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not rated $3.60$375.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Super Sweet 100
Super Sweet 100

SUPER SWEET 100 F1 IVF 65 DAYS.Ā  Pkt contains 25 seeds

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SUPER SWEET 100 F1 IVF 65 DAYS.Ā  Pkt contains 25 seeds

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not rated $2.90$253.60 Select optionsChoose Item
Super Verde Tomatillo F1

Super Verde is a green hybrid tomatillo that has mid maturity, a strong plant with strong vigor and cover. Fruit set is very good and Super Verde offers improved uniformity, yield potential and longer cycle production. Fruit are firm, have strong healthy husks, attractive green color and above average shelf life.

Super Verde is a green hybrid tomatillo that has mid maturity, a strong plant with strong vigor and cover. Fruit set is very good and Super Verde offers improved uniformity, yield potential and longer cycle production. Fruit are firm, have strong healthy husks, attractive green color and above average shelf life.

not rated $1.60$97.30 Select optionsChoose Item
Supersonic F1

Supersonic produces heavy yields of 8-9 oz, deep, globe shaped, red juicy fruit. Fairly crack resistant. Treated seeds.


Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

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Supersonic produces heavy yields of 8-9 oz, deep, globe shaped, red juicy fruit. Fairly crack resistant. Treated seeds.


Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

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not rated $3.40$318.50 Select optionsChoose Item
Sweet Banana

65 days. Fruits average 5.5″ long by 1.5″ tapering to a blunt point.
Untreated seeds.

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65 days. Fruits average 5.5″ long by 1.5″ tapering to a blunt point.
Untreated seeds.

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not rated $3.00$120.40 Select optionsChoose Item
Sweet Cherry

78 days. Sweet, cherry shaped fruit is red in color when ripe.

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78 days. Sweet, cherry shaped fruit is red in color when ripe.

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not rated $3.80$163.40 Select optionsChoose Item
Sweet Dumpling

100 days. A colorful acorn shaped winter squash.

I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” Please include your name, address, and product name.

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100 days. A colorful acorn shaped winter squash.

I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” Please include your name, address, and product name.

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not rated $2.00$277.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Sweet Hearts


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not rated $12.60$298.50 Select optionsChoose Item
Sweet Marjoram
Sweet Marjoram

Leaves, flowers, and tender stems are used for flavoring syrups.

Seeds/ounce – 113,500

Pkt Weight – 1/189

Leaves, flowers, and tender stems are used for flavoring syrups.

Seeds/ounce – 113,500

Pkt Weight – 1/189

not rated $1.20$432.15 Select optionsChoose Item
Sweet Meat

100 days. Hard slate gray colored skinwith thick golden yellow, sweet dry flesh.

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100 days. Hard slate gray colored skinwith thick golden yellow, sweet dry flesh.

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not rated $1.80$223.25 Select optionsChoose Item
Sweet Spot Northern Mix

Contains these approximate percentages:

  • 32% Abergain Perennial Ryegrass
  • 21% Aberzeus Perennial Ryegrass
  • 10% Dynamite Red Clover
  • 7% Frosty Berseem Clover
  • 7% Ladino White Clover
  • 5% Fixation Balansa Clover
  • 5% Six Point Chicory
  • 3% Purple Top Turnips

Contains these approximate percentages:

  • 32% Abergain Perennial Ryegrass
  • 21% Aberzeus Perennial Ryegrass
  • 10% Dynamite Red Clover
  • 7% Frosty Berseem Clover
  • 7% Ladino White Clover
  • 5% Fixation Balansa Clover
  • 5% Six Point Chicory
  • 3% Purple Top Turnips
not rated $6.30$29.25 Select optionsChoose Item

Sybaris features fancy, dark green, 5 1/2ā€³ pods with very good flavor. The strong plants hold the beans up high, making Sybaris a good choice for hand-pick, although it can also be machine harvested.

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Sybaris features fancy, dark green, 5 1/2ā€³ pods with very good flavor. The strong plants hold the beans up high, making Sybaris a good choice for hand-pick, although it can also be machine harvested.

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not rated $4.00$316.00 Select optionsChoose Item