WATERMELONS Approximately 200 seeds per oz.
CULTURE: In early summer, till soil. Sow 2-3 seeds, 1/2-1″ deep, 18-24″ apart in a row spacing of 4-5′. After emergence, thin to 1 healthy plant per hill. Keep soil moist and weed free. Seeds can also be started indoors in Pro-trays or similar pots. Place 2 seeds per pot. Germinate at 75-80F. Transplant outdoors after plants have 3 true leaves. You will need 3,500 to 4,000 plants per acre. HARVEST: Now here the fun begins!! There are 3 ways to tell when your watermelon is ripe: 1) tendril nearest point of vine where fruit stem attaches is browning, 2) Spot where fruit rests on ground has turned yellow, 3) The classic mystery you hear PLUNK ” verses ” PLINK or PLANK ” when you flick your finger. Good luck and enjoy!!!
1 oz seed/100′ row. 2-3 lbs seed per acre direct seeded or 3,500 transplants per acre.

PKT size: F1 or hybrids 10 seeds or 1/128 oz Rest about 50 seeds or about 1/4 oz.
All orders of 2 oz or more or 1,000 seeds or more, YOU MUST sign a WATERMELON RELEASE WAIVER BEFORE YOUR ORDER WILL BE SHIPPED. There is no exception to this if you want your order filled.
A release waiver will be sent to you. Sign it and return it as soon as possible, your order will be held until we receive it.


Black Jack F1

78 days This 15-23 lb oval shaped seedless watermelon has firm
flesh and is extremly flavorful. The rind is dark green but has
bright red flesh. Treated seed

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78 days This 15-23 lb oval shaped seedless watermelon has firm
flesh and is extremly flavorful. The rind is dark green but has
bright red flesh. Treated seed

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not rated $23.90$2,736.50 Select optionsChoose Item
Dark Knight F1

Seedless watermelons have their likes and dislikes & are just like a spoiled child if they do not get their way, they will not germinate. Follow these steps to grow them. 1) DO NOT DIRECT PLANT SEEDS OUTDOORS or you are sure to fail. Start seeds in Jiffy 7’s, jiffy pots or 50 cell pro trays with a good soil substitute. Place seed pointed end up. Cover seed growing containers with a gro-dome or plastic wrap. Keep in light, put out of direct sunlight or you will cook them.
Germinate at 80° to 90°F for a minimum of 60 hours. Above or below this temperature, they will not germinate. After plants emerge, remove
cover and place in sunlight. Grow at 60° to 70°F. After plants have their 2nd true leaf, transplant outdoors. You will need 3-4 weeks from planting
seeds indoors until it is time to transplant outdoors. If plants grow until the 4th leaf or more, toss them out & start over as yield will be cut if plants
are this size.

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Seedless watermelons have their likes and dislikes & are just like a spoiled child if they do not get their way, they will not germinate. Follow these steps to grow them. 1) DO NOT DIRECT PLANT SEEDS OUTDOORS or you are sure to fail. Start seeds in Jiffy 7’s, jiffy pots or 50 cell pro trays with a good soil substitute. Place seed pointed end up. Cover seed growing containers with a gro-dome or plastic wrap. Keep in light, put out of direct sunlight or you will cook them.
Germinate at 80° to 90°F for a minimum of 60 hours. Above or below this temperature, they will not germinate. After plants emerge, remove
cover and place in sunlight. Grow at 60° to 70°F. After plants have their 2nd true leaf, transplant outdoors. You will need 3-4 weeks from planting
seeds indoors until it is time to transplant outdoors. If plants grow until the 4th leaf or more, toss them out & start over as yield will be cut if plants
are this size.

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not rated $21.70$2,470.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Joy Ride F1

Note: PKT contains 10 seeds + 5 pollinator seeds . All larger size contain no pollinator.

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Note: PKT contains 10 seeds + 5 pollinator seeds . All larger size contain no pollinator.

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not rated $17.40$1,957.30 Select optionsChoose Item
Side Kick F1

Pollinator for seedless watermelons. Attracts bees with high number of male flowers. Very small fruit that can be easily smashed to avoid disease and twisted ankles. Pollinates seedless very well. Treated seeds.

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Pollinator for seedless watermelons. Attracts bees with high number of male flowers. Very small fruit that can be easily smashed to avoid disease and twisted ankles. Pollinates seedless very well. Treated seeds.

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not rated $10.60$308.80 Select optionsChoose Item
Wild Card plus F1

This variety has an early and extended flowering period that ensures early pollen availability when the hybrid starts flowering. Long, thin internodes radially-extend pollen to wherever a female flower is located. Extended flowering period that goes well beyond the hybrid.

This variety has an early and extended flowering period that ensures early pollen availability when the hybrid starts flowering. Long, thin internodes radially-extend pollen to wherever a female flower is located. Extended flowering period that goes well beyond the hybrid.

not rated $45.20$1,344.80 Select optionsChoose Item