Initial use of 9-45-15 for transplanting into cells or beds
supplies the high phosphorus ratio designed to boost root
growth prior to shoots. This product is specially formulated for those chronically iron-hungry crops such as petunia, calibrachoa, bacopa and others. The original Jack’s FeED product designed with all three iron chelates, EDTA, DTPA and EDDHA. Our proprietary blend of iron level is unmatched by any competitor and guaranteed to deliver iron at a much broader range of pH over the entire crop cycle. This nutrient profile is also paired with a low phosphorus level to help prevent excessive elongation. It is not recommended for use on geraniums or other iron sensitive crops.
20-20-20 ALL PURPOSE
The general-purpose industry standard, 20-20-20 is great for maintaining plants in the garden center and growing facilities. It provides fast green up and great foliar expansion due to the high percentage of ammonium and urea plus balanced phosphorus and potassium for excellent root and shoot growth.
CAL-MAG 15-5- 15 4Ca 2Mg
A truly comprehensive fertilizer with all the macro and micronutrients in one tank. An ideal choice for waters low in calcium and magnesium. It is formulated with over 80% nitrate nitrogen. This is a HazMat product and we are not authorized to ship it. It is available for pick up at the store.
Use this high phosphorus formula during periods of bud set to increase number and size of blossoms. Resume use of traditional fertilizers for the remainder of growing cycle to avoid internodes stretch. Great for
vegetable production.
A special blended fertilizer for growing great petunias.
Well suited for moderate to high alkalinity waters. Formulated
with over 60% nitrate nitrogen. Helps lower ph. This is a HazMat product and we are not authorized to ship it. It is available for pick up at the store.
15-16-17 PEAT-LITE
Similar to 20-20-20 but over 60% nitrate nitrogen, boosted micronutrient levels and much less acidic reaction in the root media! The balanced N-P-K ratio is excellent for producing fast growing plants or for maintaining plants in a sales environment.
20-10-20 PEAT-LITE
The most popular formulation, 20-10-20 Peat-lite has approximately
twice the level of micro-nutrients as the general purpose formulation. This is a HazMat product and we are not authorized to ship it. It is available for pick up at the store.
15-10-30 MUM POT SPECIAL BLEND Master Blend Quick response formula with 57% nitrate nitrogen. Corrects ammonium toxicity problems. We can no longer ship this product.
Vibrant, deep green foliage is a sign of a vigorous plant. Pale
green or yellow foliage can be caused by nutrient deficiencies
which can be corrected by the nitrogen, iron & other minerals
found in Ironite II. Use this product to green up your lawn!
18-8-17 Hi-mag
African Violet 12-36-14
House plant 15-30-15
Tomato Feed 12-15-30
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