Additional information
Options | 1 Gallon, 1 lb, 1 Pint, 1 Quart, 1.25 ounce, 2 ounce, 4 ounce |
$3.95 – $162.40
Reduces plant statue in ornamental plants by reducing internode
length. In most cases, internode shorting is the results of smaller.
more compact cell packs. In addition to compactness, the foliage is also colored deeper green. Plants treated with B-nine have a more branched root system providing firmer anchorage & better nutrient and moisture extracting capability. Treated plants are less likely to wilt and recover more quickly from stress of transplanting. Works on a wide variety of ornamentals, including chrysanthemums, gardenia, azaleas, hydrangea, poinsettias along with petunias, marigolds and other flowering & foliage plant species.
BONZI™ Quart
A plant growth regulator for use on a wide variety of ornamental plants grown in containers in greenhouses, shade houses & interior scapes. Effectively reduces internode elongation resulting in a more desirable compact plant. A single spray, drench or pre-plant bulbs soak at optimum rates is often sufficient to achieve
desired results. REI is 12 hrs.
This liquid concentrate is easily diluted with water and
works great to root woody cuttings. This proven formula
contains both rooting auxins (IBA & NAA) that induces the
stem to absorb the compound better. Size 2 oz bottle 16 oz bottle
A uniquely patented hormone gel that is used
for the propagation of cuttings. With Indole-3-butyric acid and
1-Naphalenacetric acid as the active ingredients
making this a great choice for growers. Size 4 oz
This growth regulator stops the mess. Prevents fruit formation on apple, buckeye, carob, cottonwood, crabapple, elm, flowering pear, horse chestnut, maple, oak, olive, pine, sour orange, sweet gum/liquid amber, sycamore and may more. One application in the spring during bloom.
ProGibb T & O Quart
Stimulates plant growth. Can promote stem elongation and flowering. Also useful for turf grass, where it can maintain growth
and prevent color change in cold weather, and maintain growth
of bermuda grass in warm weather. Gives ornamental growers
more flexibility for use of the product over a wider variety of
This carefully formulated, easy to use powder contains plant
hormones and growth substances for faster root development, plus fungicide to help protect cuttings from disease.
The generic version of Bonzi.
Options | 1 Gallon, 1 lb, 1 Pint, 1 Quart, 1.25 ounce, 2 ounce, 4 ounce |
Home garden label. Direction are given in teaspoons, tablespoons or OZ per gallon of finished product.
You will need to remember which size is available to get the price.
Made of natural Pyrethrin & canola oil. Use on vegetables, fruit trees, houseplants, shrubs & ornamentals. Controls aphids, beetles, mealy bugs, caterpillars, plant bugs, etc. Pint Concentrate. Gallon
ORTHO® FLOWER, FRUIT & Vegetable INSECT KILLER π Qt conc Active ingredient: Acetamiprid 0.5%
Kills over 100 listed insects fast. Such as aphids, caterpillars, thrips, Japanese beetles and other listed insects. Use on flowers & listed edibles. Controls insects up to 4 weeks. Will not harm plants or blooms.
Formulation: Spinosad
Insects controlled: On vegetables, fruit and citrus: Kills leafminers, borers, leaf rollers, thrips, worm (caterpillars) Colorado Potato beetle and other listed insects. On lawns & ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers. Kills armyworms, sod webworms, cat flies, loopers, bagworms, tent caterpillars and other listed insects. Rate of use is 4 tablespoons per gallon. Limited to supply on hand.
Formulation: Spinosad .5%
Controls the tough Colorado potato beetle larvae, as well as selected leaf beetle larvae and adults naturally.
Not for sale in AK,AZ, CA, CO, HI,ID,MT, NM,NV,OR,UT, & WA
Monterey GARDEN INSECT SPRAY π Pint Quart Gallon Quart RTU
Contains: Spinosad. A bacteria product produced by fermentation. Can be used on outdoor plants, fruit trees or vegetables to control caterpillars, leafminers, thrips, borers, fire ants and more.
OUTDOORS: Aphids, Caterpillars, Beetles, Whiteflies, Chinch bugs, Crickets, Grasshoppers, Fleas, Ticks, Mosquitoes and
other listed insects.
One of the most widely used insecticides. Controls a wide range of insects and one of the safer chemicals to use. Please spray or dust in the evening to help protect the honey bees.
Active ingredient: Zetacytermethrin.
HOT PEPPER WAX π Pint, 22 oz RTU, Quart, Gallon, 1/2 gallon
Made from hot cayenne peppers. This product will repel insects & deer from fruits, flowers, houseplants & vegetables for up to 30 days. Even stop animals from chewing wood structures or fences.
GARLIC BARRIER π ‡ Quart size Gallon size.
No poisons and no bugs!! Garlic Barrier keeps insects off your plants without chemicals. Totally safe around children, pets & ground water.
Biodegrades nicely & the odor disappears in about 2 minutes. Safely sprayed on fruits, vegetables & does not leave any hint of garlic taste.
Garlic Barrier to water ratio is: Quart 1 to 10. Gallon 1 to 100.
We can not sell/ship Garlic Barrier to the following states; Quarts AK, AL, AR, DC, DE, IA, ID, KS, KY, LA, MS, ND, SC,
Gallons; AK, AR, ID, KS, KY, LA, MS, MT, ND, WV & WY
Bonide® CITRUS, FRUIT & NUT ORCHARD SPRAYπ Quart 1/2 gallon size
This all natural, all in one, insect and disease control concentrate is perfect for the organic grower. Great for citrus, fruit and nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, houseplants and lawns. mix 2 1/2 oz/gallon.
Contains: Sulfur and Pyrethrin.
1 LB shaker can 4 LB bag
Formulation: Permethrin Low odor vegetable, ornamental, rose, flower, fruit, pet and livestock insecticide. Provides both repelling and killing action of over 60 insects. May be applied until one day before harvest on listed vegetables. Controls Colorado potato beetle and listed loppers, beetles and borers on listed plants. Controls horn flies, lice and face flies on beef and dairy cattle and horses. Controls fleas, ticks and lice on cats and dogs.
Formulation: 10% Permethrin.
Many benefits are that it contains no solvents or petroleum distillates, it has virtually no odor when mixed with water, will stay in suspension indefinitely & is effective against a wide range of insects. Kills over 100 different insects & provides contact and residual control for 4 weeks. Can be used on lawns, flowers, trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetable and nuts. Limited to supply on hand.
Hi-Yield® 55% MALATHION INSECT SPRAY π Pint, Quart , Gallon
Formulation: Malathion Provides an excellent control of fleas, aphids, thrips, spider mites, lace bugs, adult Japanese beetles, tent caterpillars, and others on fruit, vegetables and animals as listed on label. Plants use: 1 1/2 teaspoons per gallon. Flea control in kennels, 10 tablespoons per gallon.
INSECTICIDAL SOAP π Pint concentrate, Quart RTU, Commercial strength. M-Pede 2.5 gallon
Kills harmful insects such as aphids, mites, mealy bugs, whiteflies, earwigs, pear slugs & other insects. Spares beneficial insects like honey bees or lady bugs. Beaks down in 48 hours.
Formulation: Potassium salts of fatty acids (0.75%) & sulfur Unique formulation combining effectiveness of INSECTICIDAL soap with sulfur based fungicide. Multipurpose formulation which controls mites, insects, and fungus. Does not harm beneficial insects. Low-toxic formula ideal for use around children, pets and wildlife.
This naturally occurring liquid product Saponins of Quilloja which comes from the bark of a S. American tree, Quilloja. Listed for control of plant parasitic nematodes in home garden and lawns. Can be used as a pre-plant or on established plants. Can be
used up to the day of harvest.
Ferti-lome® TRIPLE-ACTION PLUS π Pint Quart
Formulation: Neem Oil and Pyrethrin
Insects controlled: Use on fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, spices, roses, houseplants, flowers, trees & shrubs to control aphids, spider mites, scale, whiteflies, beetles, Leaf rollers and other insects. Diseases controlled: Flower, twig and tip blight, Alternaria, scab, needle rust botrytis, leaf spot, rust, anthracnose, downy mildew, black spot & powdery mildew. Maybe applied up to day.
MILKY SPORE π . 10 oz 40 oz 20 lb
Developed by the USDA, milky spore is a natural all season grub control. Use granules spring, summer and fall for 2 seasons. Once established in your lawn, milky spore will remain viable for 15 to 20 years. It begins working immediately as soon as it is applied when grubs are feeding. Each grub that dies from milky spore, decays & releases 3 billion new spore. Harmless to birds, bees and fish
SLUGGO® π 1 lb 2 1/2 lb 5 lb
Snail and slug control at its best. An alternative to traditional slug & snail baits. Sluggo contains iron phosphate and can be used around pets & wildlife. This product is labeled for use in vegetable gardens up until harvest & remains effective after a rain or sprinkling. 1 lb covers 1,000 sq ft. SAFER®
OMRI Listed for organic gardening
Pellets for control of insects, slugs and snails
BONIDE® ROSE Rx 4-IN-1 SPRAY Pint Quart Two way triple action: insecticide – miticide – fungicide/kills eggs, larvae and adults! Prevents and controls black spot, anthracnose, rust, scab, blights, stops powdery mildew in as little as 24 hours! Kills all life stages of aphids, mites, scale, whitefly, beetles, leaf rollers. For use on roses and flowers as well as fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, spices, houseplants trees & shrubs. May be used indoors. Easy on beneficial insects. An excellent choice for organic gardeners and IPM gardens. Contains 70% Neem oil insecticide concentrate. 2 Tbsp. per gallon. Not for sale in AK & HI.
The highest grade OMRI listed cold=pressed neem oil available! Produced using a cold-extraction process to retain the highest level of the biologically active beneficial ingredients. Apply as a preventive every 7-10 days during the vegetative stage.
DYNA-GRO PURE NEEM OIL 8 oz Quart Gallon
Cold pressed from the seeds of the neem tree. This organic leaf
polish can be used on any plant to produce clean, shiny leaves.
Pure neem oil leaves a natural shine on leaves without clogging
the stomata.
Bonide EIGHT® GARDEN DUST 10 oz puffer 3 lb bag Contains Permethrin 0.125%. An outstanding vegetable garden insecticides, killing and repelling virtually any insect pest common to home gardens. Also great for Japanese Beetles on roses & flowers. Colored green to blend with foliage. Short day harvest intervals.
Bonide GARDEN DUST 10 oz puffer 1 lb 4 lb
Pyrethrin+sulfur+Copper. A specially formulated, general purpose product for convenient use as a dust or spray on vegetables, fruit and flowers. Colored green to blend with foliage. Not for sale in CA.
Natural Guard® CATERPILLAR KILLER SPRAY 8 ounce pint
Formulation: Bacillus Thuringensis 15%. A natural biological insecticide. Non-toxic to humans, to pets and beneficial insects. Use on vegetables, ornamentals and shade trees to control leaf chewing worms like Tomato hornworm, Cabbage loopers, Tent caterpillars, Bagworms, Gypsy moth & others. Can not be sold in CA. Rate of use; 1-4 Tbsp. per gallon of water.
This fast acting insecticide kills aphids, beetles, webworms,
leafhoppers, and many other listed insects.
contains 1% Pyrethrin
8 oz concentrate 16 oz Concentrate
Home garden label. Direction are given in teaspoons, tablespoons or OZ per gallon of finished product.
You will need to remember which size is available to get the price.
Made of natural Pyrethrin & canola oil. Use on vegetables, fruit trees, houseplants, shrubs & ornamentals. Controls aphids, beetles, mealy bugs, caterpillars, plant bugs, etc. Pint Concentrate. Gallon
ORTHO® FLOWER, FRUIT & Vegetable INSECT KILLER π Qt conc Active ingredient: Acetamiprid 0.5%
Kills over 100 listed insects fast. Such as aphids, caterpillars, thrips, Japanese beetles and other listed insects. Use on flowers & listed edibles. Controls insects up to 4 weeks. Will not harm plants or blooms.
Formulation: Spinosad
Insects controlled: On vegetables, fruit and citrus: Kills leafminers, borers, leaf rollers, thrips, worm (caterpillars) Colorado Potato beetle and other listed insects. On lawns & ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers. Kills armyworms, sod webworms, cat flies, loopers, bagworms, tent caterpillars and other listed insects. Rate of use is 4 tablespoons per gallon. Limited to supply on hand.
Formulation: Spinosad .5%
Controls the tough Colorado potato beetle larvae, as well as selected leaf beetle larvae and adults naturally.
Not for sale in AK,AZ, CA, CO, HI,ID,MT, NM,NV,OR,UT, & WA
Monterey GARDEN INSECT SPRAY π Pint Quart Gallon Quart RTU
Contains: Spinosad. A bacteria product produced by fermentation. Can be used on outdoor plants, fruit trees or vegetables to control caterpillars, leafminers, thrips, borers, fire ants and more.
OUTDOORS: Aphids, Caterpillars, Beetles, Whiteflies, Chinch bugs, Crickets, Grasshoppers, Fleas, Ticks, Mosquitoes and
other listed insects.
One of the most widely used insecticides. Controls a wide range of insects and one of the safer chemicals to use. Please spray or dust in the evening to help protect the honey bees.
Active ingredient: Zetacytermethrin.
HOT PEPPER WAX π Pint, 22 oz RTU, Quart, Gallon, 1/2 gallon
Made from hot cayenne peppers. This product will repel insects & deer from fruits, flowers, houseplants & vegetables for up to 30 days. Even stop animals from chewing wood structures or fences.
GARLIC BARRIER π ‡ Quart size Gallon size.
No poisons and no bugs!! Garlic Barrier keeps insects off your plants without chemicals. Totally safe around children, pets & ground water.
Biodegrades nicely & the odor disappears in about 2 minutes. Safely sprayed on fruits, vegetables & does not leave any hint of garlic taste.
Garlic Barrier to water ratio is: Quart 1 to 10. Gallon 1 to 100.
We can not sell/ship Garlic Barrier to the following states; Quarts AK, AL, AR, DC, DE, IA, ID, KS, KY, LA, MS, ND, SC,
Gallons; AK, AR, ID, KS, KY, LA, MS, MT, ND, WV & WY
Bonide® CITRUS, FRUIT & NUT ORCHARD SPRAYπ Quart 1/2 gallon size
This all natural, all in one, insect and disease control concentrate is perfect for the organic grower. Great for citrus, fruit and nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, houseplants and lawns. mix 2 1/2 oz/gallon.
Contains: Sulfur and Pyrethrin.
1 LB shaker can 4 LB bag
Formulation: Permethrin Low odor vegetable, ornamental, rose, flower, fruit, pet and livestock insecticide. Provides both repelling and killing action of over 60 insects. May be applied until one day before harvest on listed vegetables. Controls Colorado potato beetle and listed loppers, beetles and borers on listed plants. Controls horn flies, lice and face flies on beef and dairy cattle and horses. Controls fleas, ticks and lice on cats and dogs.
Formulation: 10% Permethrin.
Many benefits are that it contains no solvents or petroleum distillates, it has virtually no odor when mixed with water, will stay in suspension indefinitely & is effective against a wide range of insects. Kills over 100 different insects & provides contact and residual control for 4 weeks. Can be used on lawns, flowers, trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetable and nuts. Limited to supply on hand.
Hi-Yield® 55% MALATHION INSECT SPRAY π Pint, Quart , Gallon
Formulation: Malathion Provides an excellent control of fleas, aphids, thrips, spider mites, lace bugs, adult Japanese beetles, tent caterpillars, and others on fruit, vegetables and animals as listed on label. Plants use: 1 1/2 teaspoons per gallon. Flea control in kennels, 10 tablespoons per gallon.
INSECTICIDAL SOAP π Pint concentrate, Quart RTU, Commercial strength. M-Pede 2.5 gallon
Kills harmful insects such as aphids, mites, mealy bugs, whiteflies, earwigs, pear slugs & other insects. Spares beneficial insects like honey bees or lady bugs. Beaks down in 48 hours.
Formulation: Potassium salts of fatty acids (0.75%) & sulfur Unique formulation combining effectiveness of INSECTICIDAL soap with sulfur based fungicide. Multipurpose formulation which controls mites, insects, and fungus. Does not harm beneficial insects. Low-toxic formula ideal for use around children, pets and wildlife.
This naturally occurring liquid product Saponins of Quilloja which comes from the bark of a S. American tree, Quilloja. Listed for control of plant parasitic nematodes in home garden and lawns. Can be used as a pre-plant or on established plants. Can be
used up to the day of harvest.
Ferti-lome® TRIPLE-ACTION PLUS π Pint Quart
Formulation: Neem Oil and Pyrethrin
Insects controlled: Use on fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, spices, roses, houseplants, flowers, trees & shrubs to control aphids, spider mites, scale, whiteflies, beetles, Leaf rollers and other insects. Diseases controlled: Flower, twig and tip blight, Alternaria, scab, needle rust botrytis, leaf spot, rust, anthracnose, downy mildew, black spot & powdery mildew. Maybe applied up to day.
MILKY SPORE π . 10 oz 40 oz 20 lb
Developed by the USDA, milky spore is a natural all season grub control. Use granules spring, summer and fall for 2 seasons. Once established in your lawn, milky spore will remain viable for 15 to 20 years. It begins working immediately as soon as it is applied when grubs are feeding. Each grub that dies from milky spore, decays & releases 3 billion new spore. Harmless to birds, bees and fish
SLUGGO® π 1 lb 2 1/2 lb 5 lb
Snail and slug control at its best. An alternative to traditional slug & snail baits. Sluggo contains iron phosphate and can be used around pets & wildlife. This product is labeled for use in vegetable gardens up until harvest & remains effective after a rain or sprinkling. 1 lb covers 1,000 sq ft. SAFER®
OMRI Listed for organic gardening
Pellets for control of insects, slugs and snails
BONIDE® ROSE Rx 4-IN-1 SPRAY Pint Quart Two way triple action: insecticide – miticide – fungicide/kills eggs, larvae and adults! Prevents and controls black spot, anthracnose, rust, scab, blights, stops powdery mildew in as little as 24 hours! Kills all life stages of aphids, mites, scale, whitefly, beetles, leaf rollers. For use on roses and flowers as well as fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, spices, houseplants trees & shrubs. May be used indoors. Easy on beneficial insects. An excellent choice for organic gardeners and IPM gardens. Contains 70% Neem oil insecticide concentrate. 2 Tbsp. per gallon. Not for sale in AK & HI.
The highest grade OMRI listed cold=pressed neem oil available! Produced using a cold-extraction process to retain the highest level of the biologically active beneficial ingredients. Apply as a preventive every 7-10 days during the vegetative stage.
DYNA-GRO PURE NEEM OIL 8 oz Quart Gallon
Cold pressed from the seeds of the neem tree. This organic leaf
polish can be used on any plant to produce clean, shiny leaves.
Pure neem oil leaves a natural shine on leaves without clogging
the stomata.
Bonide EIGHT® GARDEN DUST 10 oz puffer 3 lb bag Contains Permethrin 0.125%. An outstanding vegetable garden insecticides, killing and repelling virtually any insect pest common to home gardens. Also great for Japanese Beetles on roses & flowers. Colored green to blend with foliage. Short day harvest intervals.
Bonide GARDEN DUST 10 oz puffer 1 lb 4 lb
Pyrethrin+sulfur+Copper. A specially formulated, general purpose product for convenient use as a dust or spray on vegetables, fruit and flowers. Colored green to blend with foliage. Not for sale in CA.
Natural Guard® CATERPILLAR KILLER SPRAY 8 ounce pint
Formulation: Bacillus Thuringensis 15%. A natural biological insecticide. Non-toxic to humans, to pets and beneficial insects. Use on vegetables, ornamentals and shade trees to control leaf chewing worms like Tomato hornworm, Cabbage loopers, Tent caterpillars, Bagworms, Gypsy moth & others. Can not be sold in CA. Rate of use; 1-4 Tbsp. per gallon of water.
This fast acting insecticide kills aphids, beetles, webworms,
leafhoppers, and many other listed insects.
contains 1% Pyrethrin
8 oz concentrate 16 oz Concentrate
Captain Jack’s Deadweed Brew® Bonide
A all natural non-selective weed & grass killer. Approved for Organic Gardening. Kills with in hours. Can be used in vegetable gardens. Kills within hours, Can be used in vegetable gardens. 1 quart concentrate makes 8 gallons of spray. Contains Caprylic and Capric Acid Pint concentrate Quart concentrate Gallon concentrate
Hi-Yield® HERBICIDE GRANULES 4 LB jug 15 LB bag
Provides pre-emergent weed and grass control in flower beds, around trees, shrubs, & certain vegetables. Formulation: Treflan.
Hi-Yield® GRASS KILLER π 5 lb bag.
Formulation: 18% Sethoxydim
Systemic selective broad spectrum post emergent herbicide Active ingredient: 80% diuron. Karmax® DF provides selective
that can be sprayed over desired plants listed to control control of weeds in certain crops and for non-selective weed annual & perennial grasses. Can be used on vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, ornamentals & ground covers.
Stops growth of weed grasses within 2 days. Dilution rate is 2 tablespoons plus 1 tablespoon of Hi-yield spreader sticker per gallon of water to to cover 1,800 sq. ft.
Formulation: 3 different formulations of 2,4-D This herbicide contains Trimec® herbicide causing it to kill
troublesome broadleaf weeds including dandelion, chickweed, clover, henbit & many others.
Ferti-lome® WEED-OUT W/ CRABGRASS KILLER Controls crabgrass & broadleaf weeds in lawns
Diuron® 80DF 5 lb bag.
Active ingredient: 80% diuron. Karmax® DF provides selective
control of weeds in certain crops and for non-selective weed
control on non-cropland areas.
KARMEX® DF Active ingredient: 80% diuron. Karmax® DF provides selective control of weeds in certain crops and for non-selective weed control on non-cropland areas. 5 lb bag.
Formulation: 41% Glyphosate. ( Round-up )
Non-selective weed and grass killer, contains a double surfactant
formulation that dries on plant fast to start working quickly. May be used near fences, in paths, patios, sidewalks, curbs and
driveways. Around ornamental trees, shrubs, flower beds & buildings. Labeled for lawn renovation, brush & vine control & stump treatment. Caution: Will kill almost any plant it gets on. Use with care.
Formulation: Gyphosate 40.15% & Prodiamine 7.51%.
Apply to both established grassy and broadleaf weeds and weed
prone areas where weeds have not yet emerged. These areas
include: driveways, sidewalls, walkways, fences, landscape areas
and etc. Product works 2 ways: one herbicide ingredient enters
plants through foliage and moves systemically down to the roots.
The other ingredient provides a herbicidal barrier in the soil
preventing growth of newly germinated weed seeds for up to 3-6
months depending on application rate. DO NOT USE ON LAWNS
Marengo This herbicide kills pre-emergent annual grasses, sedges,
and broadleaf weeds in production ornamentals, conifers,
christmas trees, greenhouse floors, production sites and hardscapes.
18 ounces
Contains: 20% vinegar.
4 times stronger then regular household vinegar. Used by
some as a weed control. Not EPA registered as a weed control.
Among its many uses, OSM Natures Guide Vinegar
is an effective alternative to harsh chemicals.
Captain Jack’s Deadweed Brew® Bonide
A all natural non-selective weed & grass killer. Approved for Organic Gardening. Kills with in hours. Can be used in vegetable gardens. Kills within hours, Can be used in vegetable gardens. 1 quart concentrate makes 8 gallons of spray. Contains Caprylic and Capric Acid Pint concentrate Quart concentrate Gallon concentrate
Hi-Yield® HERBICIDE GRANULES 4 LB jug 15 LB bag
Provides pre-emergent weed and grass control in flower beds, around trees, shrubs, & certain vegetables. Formulation: Treflan.
Hi-Yield® GRASS KILLER π 5 lb bag.
Formulation: 18% Sethoxydim
Systemic selective broad spectrum post emergent herbicide Active ingredient: 80% diuron. Karmax® DF provides selective
that can be sprayed over desired plants listed to control control of weeds in certain crops and for non-selective weed annual & perennial grasses. Can be used on vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, ornamentals & ground covers.
Stops growth of weed grasses within 2 days. Dilution rate is 2 tablespoons plus 1 tablespoon of Hi-yield spreader sticker per gallon of water to to cover 1,800 sq. ft.
Formulation: 3 different formulations of 2,4-D This herbicide contains Trimec® herbicide causing it to kill
troublesome broadleaf weeds including dandelion, chickweed, clover, henbit & many others.
Ferti-lome® WEED-OUT W/ CRABGRASS KILLER Controls crabgrass & broadleaf weeds in lawns
Diuron® 80DF 5 lb bag.
Active ingredient: 80% diuron. Karmax® DF provides selective
control of weeds in certain crops and for non-selective weed
control on non-cropland areas.
KARMEX® DF Active ingredient: 80% diuron. Karmax® DF provides selective control of weeds in certain crops and for non-selective weed control on non-cropland areas. 5 lb bag.
Formulation: 41% Glyphosate. ( Round-up )
Non-selective weed and grass killer, contains a double surfactant
formulation that dries on plant fast to start working quickly. May be used near fences, in paths, patios, sidewalks, curbs and
driveways. Around ornamental trees, shrubs, flower beds & buildings. Labeled for lawn renovation, brush & vine control & stump treatment. Caution: Will kill almost any plant it gets on. Use with care.
Formulation: Gyphosate 40.15% & Prodiamine 7.51%.
Apply to both established grassy and broadleaf weeds and weed
prone areas where weeds have not yet emerged. These areas
include: driveways, sidewalls, walkways, fences, landscape areas
and etc. Product works 2 ways: one herbicide ingredient enters
plants through foliage and moves systemically down to the roots.
The other ingredient provides a herbicidal barrier in the soil
preventing growth of newly germinated weed seeds for up to 3-6
months depending on application rate. DO NOT USE ON LAWNS
Marengo This herbicide kills pre-emergent annual grasses, sedges,
and broadleaf weeds in production ornamentals, conifers,
christmas trees, greenhouse floors, production sites and hardscapes.
18 ounces
Contains: 20% vinegar.
4 times stronger then regular household vinegar. Used by
some as a weed control. Not EPA registered as a weed control.
Among its many uses, OSM Natures Guide Vinegar
is an effective alternative to harsh chemicals.
Commercial grower label. Direction are given in ounces, pint, quart or pounds per acre.
DEVRINOL 50-DF ‡ 4 LB bag
A selective dry flowable herbicide for control of certain grassy and & annual weeds in strawberry patches, nut trees, stone fruit trees & vegetables. 4 LB bag covers 1/2 acre of strawberries.
This herbicide kills pre-emergent annual grasses, sedges, and broadleaf weeds in production ornamentals, conifers,
Christmas trees, greenhouse floors, production sites and hardscapes.
Poast® ‡ 2.5 gallons.
Formulation: 18% Sethoxydim
Systemic selective broad spectrum post emergent herbicide that can be sprayed over desired plants listed to control annual & perennial grasses. Can be used on vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, ornamentals & ground covers.
Stops growth of weed grasses within 2 days.
Roundup Pro
Formulation: 50.2% Glyphosate. ( Round-up ) 2.5 gallon
Non-selective weed and grass killer, contains a double surfactant
formulation that dries on plant fast to start working quickly. May be used near fences, in paths, patios, sidewalks, curbs and driveways. Around ornamental trees, shrubs, flower beds & buildings. Labeled for lawn renovation, brush & vine control & stump treatment. Caution: Will kill almost any plant it gets on. Use with care.
Sandea® is a selective herbicide used for the control of
listed broadleaf weeds and nutsedges in various
vegetables. 10 oz covers up to 1/2 acre
HI-YIELD® Spreader Sticker 8 oz Pint Gallon
Formulation: 100% Surfactant/non-ionic
A water soluble spray additive that makes water
wetter and increases absorption, translocation
and sticking of pesticides. Low foaming and
contains no oil. 2 to 4 tablespoons (1-2 oz) per gallon.
Neutralizer 2 lb jar
A specially formulated alkaline solution for cleaning spray tanks by solubilizing the residual pesticide, leaving a rinse which is harmless to plants. 1 lb per 100 gallon tank or 1/2 oz per 3 gallons back pack
Commercial grower label. Direction are given in ounces, pint, quart or pounds per acre.
DEVRINOL 50-DF ‡ 4 LB bag
A selective dry flowable herbicide for control of certain grassy and & annual weeds in strawberry patches, nut trees, stone fruit trees & vegetables. 4 LB bag covers 1/2 acre of strawberries.
This herbicide kills pre-emergent annual grasses, sedges, and broadleaf weeds in production ornamentals, conifers,
Christmas trees, greenhouse floors, production sites and hardscapes.
Poast® ‡ 2.5 gallons.
Formulation: 18% Sethoxydim
Systemic selective broad spectrum post emergent herbicide that can be sprayed over desired plants listed to control annual & perennial grasses. Can be used on vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, ornamentals & ground covers.
Stops growth of weed grasses within 2 days.
Roundup Pro
Formulation: 50.2% Glyphosate. ( Round-up ) 2.5 gallon
Non-selective weed and grass killer, contains a double surfactant
formulation that dries on plant fast to start working quickly. May be used near fences, in paths, patios, sidewalks, curbs and driveways. Around ornamental trees, shrubs, flower beds & buildings. Labeled for lawn renovation, brush & vine control & stump treatment. Caution: Will kill almost any plant it gets on. Use with care.
Sandea® is a selective herbicide used for the control of
listed broadleaf weeds and nutsedges in various
vegetables. 10 oz covers up to 1/2 acre
HI-YIELD® Spreader Sticker 8 oz Pint Gallon
Formulation: 100% Surfactant/non-ionic
A water soluble spray additive that makes water
wetter and increases absorption, translocation
and sticking of pesticides. Low foaming and
contains no oil. 2 to 4 tablespoons (1-2 oz) per gallon.
Neutralizer 2 lb jar
A specially formulated alkaline solution for cleaning spray tanks by solubilizing the residual pesticide, leaving a rinse which is harmless to plants. 1 lb per 100 gallon tank or 1/2 oz per 3 gallons back pack
Protects your trees from sun scald, severe frosts, rodents, windburn and string trimmers. Preserves moisture content of bark. Prevents excessive dripping. Also used to cover newly grafted trees to keep wax around graft.
Clarks 3/4″ x 180′ Nursery grafting tape.
Provides an effective barrier against crawling insects such as gypsy moth, tent caterpillars, ants, obscure root and pecan weevils, tussock moth caterpillars, climbing cutworms and cankerworms to name a few. Can also be used in your garden to help protect vegetables from crawling insects pest without using chemicals.
Trowbridge brand. The oldest and most used grafting wax
in the country.
PRUNING SEALER Asphalt base. Fast & Easy to use aerosol spray can. A protective seal for pruning cuts.
Spray ends of pruned branches and limbs thoroughly to provide a tough, rapid drying coating over pruned areas.
To prevent stopping up of spray nozzle during storage, the can should be inverted and sprayed for a few seconds after use.
Protects your trees from sun scald, severe frosts, rodents, windburn and string trimmers. Preserves moisture content of bark. Prevents excessive dripping. Also used to cover newly grafted trees to keep wax around graft.
Clarks 3/4″ x 180′ Nursery grafting tape.
Provides an effective barrier against crawling insects such as gypsy moth, tent caterpillars, ants, obscure root and pecan weevils, tussock moth caterpillars, climbing cutworms and cankerworms to name a few. Can also be used in your garden to help protect vegetables from crawling insects pest without using chemicals.
Trowbridge brand. The oldest and most used grafting wax
in the country.
PRUNING SEALER Asphalt base. Fast & Easy to use aerosol spray can. A protective seal for pruning cuts.
Spray ends of pruned branches and limbs thoroughly to provide a tough, rapid drying coating over pruned areas.
To prevent stopping up of spray nozzle during storage, the can should be inverted and sprayed for a few seconds after use.
High quality, portable sprayers made of high grade chemical compounds guarantees complete protection against corrosion & allows a wide range of applications. The sprayers feature an agronomical pump & carry comfortable backpack carrying frame and large opening for easy filling. 4 gallon. Use piston for liquids
and diaphragm for liquids or wettable powders.
Drift guard with nozzle for Solo sprayers.
Ultraviolet resistant, translucent polyethylene tank.
Extra wide, 3 1/4″ mouth opening for easy fill and cleaning.
Automatic or manual pressure relief valve with pressure
indicator ring. Fast pressurizing, 10″ non-corroding
polymer pump. Heavy duty 18″ rotating wand with
adjustable brass nozzle.
1 Gallon Chapin Pro
1 Gallon Chapin XP
2 gallon Chapin XP
3 gallon Chapin XP
4 gallon Chapin backpack
Plant Duster
Chapin XP series sprayers repair kit
Looking for the top of the line handheld, knapsack or backpack sprayer? If you are, Kwazar brand is what you want. Well made units. All units come with a adjustable nozzle that adjusts from a very fine mist to a stream. If you are foliar feeding fertilizer
to plants, this is the sprayer you need. Works great for fertilizer and pesticides. Made in Poland.
Venus 1 1/2 liter
Venus 2 liter
Orion 9 liter
Orion 12 liter
Neptune 15 liter
Herbicide shield
America’s finest over the shoulder broadcast spreader is here!!
Perfect for farm and home. A totally new and innovatively designed spreader from Earthway, the nation’s leading producer of lawn and garden products.
Outstanding features:
lubrication required. Oscillating shuttle breaks up clumps.
* Control lever with infinite settings. * Weather proof canvas
bag with shoulder strap and zipper. * Molded handle for safety
and stability.
Not an Earthway product. Imported. looking for a more reasonably priced shoulder seeder/spreader? This is
the one for you. Not built as strong as Earthway’s seeder. PlantMate brand.
Mondi Deluxe mist n spray
Pump-action pressure sprayer is great for applying pesticides, insecticides, soaps, nutrients or just plain water.
High quality, portable sprayers made of high grade chemical compounds guarantees complete protection against corrosion & allows a wide range of applications. The sprayers feature an agronomical pump & carry comfortable backpack carrying frame and large opening for easy filling. 4 gallon. Use piston for liquids
and diaphragm for liquids or wettable powders.
Drift guard with nozzle for Solo sprayers.
Ultraviolet resistant, translucent polyethylene tank.
Extra wide, 3 1/4″ mouth opening for easy fill and cleaning.
Automatic or manual pressure relief valve with pressure
indicator ring. Fast pressurizing, 10″ non-corroding
polymer pump. Heavy duty 18″ rotating wand with
adjustable brass nozzle.
1 Gallon Chapin Pro
1 Gallon Chapin XP
2 gallon Chapin XP
3 gallon Chapin XP
4 gallon Chapin backpack
Plant Duster
Chapin XP series sprayers repair kit
Looking for the top of the line handheld, knapsack or backpack sprayer? If you are, Kwazar brand is what you want. Well made units. All units come with a adjustable nozzle that adjusts from a very fine mist to a stream. If you are foliar feeding fertilizer
to plants, this is the sprayer you need. Works great for fertilizer and pesticides. Made in Poland.
Venus 1 1/2 liter
Venus 2 liter
Orion 9 liter
Orion 12 liter
Neptune 15 liter
Herbicide shield
America’s finest over the shoulder broadcast spreader is here!!
Perfect for farm and home. A totally new and innovatively designed spreader from Earthway, the nation’s leading producer of lawn and garden products.
Outstanding features:
lubrication required. Oscillating shuttle breaks up clumps.
* Control lever with infinite settings. * Weather proof canvas
bag with shoulder strap and zipper. * Molded handle for safety
and stability.
Not an Earthway product. Imported. looking for a more reasonably priced shoulder seeder/spreader? This is
the one for you. Not built as strong as Earthway’s seeder. PlantMate brand.
Mondi Deluxe mist n spray
Pump-action pressure sprayer is great for applying pesticides, insecticides, soaps, nutrients or just plain water.
Commercial grower label. Direction are given in ounces, pint, quart or pounds per acre.
DEVRINOL 50-DF ‡ 4 LB bag
A selective dry flowable herbicide for control of certain grassy and & annual weeds in strawberry patches, nut trees, stone fruit trees & vegetables. 4 LB bag covers 1/2 acre of strawberries.
This herbicide kills pre-emergent annual grasses, sedges, and broadleaf weeds in production ornamentals, conifers,
Christmas trees, greenhouse floors, production sites and hardscapes.
Poast® ‡ 2.5 gallons.
Formulation: 18% Sethoxydim
Systemic selective broad spectrum post emergent herbicide that can be sprayed over desired plants listed to control annual & perennial grasses. Can be used on vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, ornamentals & ground covers.
Stops growth of weed grasses within 2 days.
Roundup Pro
Formulation: 50.2% Glyphosate. ( Round-up ) 2.5 gallon
Non-selective weed and grass killer, contains a double surfactant
formulation that dries on plant fast to start working quickly. May be used near fences, in paths, patios, sidewalks, curbs and driveways. Around ornamental trees, shrubs, flower beds & buildings. Labeled for lawn renovation, brush & vine control & stump treatment. Caution: Will kill almost any plant it gets on. Use with care.
Sandea® is a selective herbicide used for the control of listed broadleaf weeds and nutsedges in various
vegetables. 10 oz covers up to 1/2 acre
HI-YIELD® Spreader Sticker 8 oz Pint Gallon
Formulation: 100% Surfactant/non-ionic
A water soluble spray additive that makes water
wetter and increases absorption, translocation
and sticking of pesticides. Low foaming and
contains no oil. 2 to 4 tablespoons (1-2 oz) per gallon.
Neutralizer 2 lb jar
A specially formulated alkaline solution for cleaning spray tanks by solubilizing the residual pesticide, leaving a rinse which is harmless to plants. 1 lb per 100 gallon tank or 1/2 oz per 3 gallons back pack
Commercial grower label. Direction are given in ounces, pint, quart or pounds per acre.
DEVRINOL 50-DF ‡ 4 LB bag
A selective dry flowable herbicide for control of certain grassy and & annual weeds in strawberry patches, nut trees, stone fruit trees & vegetables. 4 LB bag covers 1/2 acre of strawberries.
This herbicide kills pre-emergent annual grasses, sedges, and broadleaf weeds in production ornamentals, conifers,
Christmas trees, greenhouse floors, production sites and hardscapes.
Poast® ‡ 2.5 gallons.
Formulation: 18% Sethoxydim
Systemic selective broad spectrum post emergent herbicide that can be sprayed over desired plants listed to control annual & perennial grasses. Can be used on vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs, ornamentals & ground covers.
Stops growth of weed grasses within 2 days.
Roundup Pro
Formulation: 50.2% Glyphosate. ( Round-up ) 2.5 gallon
Non-selective weed and grass killer, contains a double surfactant
formulation that dries on plant fast to start working quickly. May be used near fences, in paths, patios, sidewalks, curbs and driveways. Around ornamental trees, shrubs, flower beds & buildings. Labeled for lawn renovation, brush & vine control & stump treatment. Caution: Will kill almost any plant it gets on. Use with care.
Sandea® is a selective herbicide used for the control of listed broadleaf weeds and nutsedges in various
vegetables. 10 oz covers up to 1/2 acre
HI-YIELD® Spreader Sticker 8 oz Pint Gallon
Formulation: 100% Surfactant/non-ionic
A water soluble spray additive that makes water
wetter and increases absorption, translocation
and sticking of pesticides. Low foaming and
contains no oil. 2 to 4 tablespoons (1-2 oz) per gallon.
Neutralizer 2 lb jar
A specially formulated alkaline solution for cleaning spray tanks by solubilizing the residual pesticide, leaving a rinse which is harmless to plants. 1 lb per 100 gallon tank or 1/2 oz per 3 gallons back pack
Ultra Low Volume Mist for Indoor/Outdoor Use
• Adjustable output of 1.5-14 gallons per hour
• Includes large commercial coiled hose for directing ULV chemical mist
• Operates on 110V AC power
• Lightweight poly tank—2 gallon
• Outputs 22 – 46 microns particle size—average droplet 20 micron
• Sprays 13.5 feet
• For portable use
• Carrying strap
Ultra Low Volume Mist for Indoor/Outdoor Use
• Adjustable output of 1.5-14 gallons per hour
• Includes large commercial coiled hose for directing ULV chemical mist
• Operates on 110V AC power
• Lightweight poly tank—2 gallon
• Outputs 22 – 46 microns particle size—average droplet 20 micron
• Sprays 13.5 feet
• For portable use
• Carrying strap
Concentrated pH adjustment liquid, acidic buffer lowers water and nutrient solution pH. Highly concentrated, use conservatively. Slowly add to pure water or nutrient solution, at small intervals. Note beginning reading and then test pH. Repeat small application process and stir well, until desired pH is achieved. Amount of CES pH Down™ required for adjustment will vary, depending on the strength of nutrient mixture and purity of the water source used. May be diluted when applied to reservoir with nutrients.
Concentrated pH adjustment liquid, acidic buffer lowers water and nutrient solution pH. Highly concentrated, use conservatively. Slowly add to pure water or nutrient solution, at small intervals. Note beginning reading and then test pH. Repeat small application process and stir well, until desired pH is achieved. Amount of CES pH Down™ required for adjustment will vary, depending on the strength of nutrient mixture and purity of the water source used. May be diluted when applied to reservoir with nutrients.
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