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Seed Potatoes


ALL BLUE 120 days
This one is blue all the way through. Semi-fingerling specialty type potato. Flesh is a lavender color.

An improved Kennebec type potato but with higher yields. Large, white
baking potato. Great for an early potato. Stores well.

KENNEBEC 85 days
Mid-season to late. The most popular white potato sold. Thin, white skinned with shallow eyes. Good choice for home gardens and stores well. Very resistant to early & Late Blight and Mosaic Virus.

RED NORLAN 75 days
The earliest red potato we carry. High percentage of # 1 tubers. Nice
with shallow eyes. Good choice for a roadside stand or produce auction. Large tubers store well.

Red La Soda is a main season cultivar that is primarily grown in the southeastern U.S. It is harvested in the winter months as a fresh market variety.

Late season red potato. Solid tubers with a thin red skin. Does well in heavy heavy soil. A good keeping potato.

YUKON GOLD 70 days
An early golden fleshed potato! One of the best eating potatoes available. Yellow skinned with pink colored eyes and has a creamy
yellow, buttery flavored delicious flesh. Great taste. Stores well.

NOTICE” Shipping cost for a 50# bag will far exceed the cost of the potatoes!

Fingerling seed potatoes can be found at :https://www.morgancountyseeds.com/product/seed-potatoes-fingerlings/


SKU: RLS Category:


Our potatoes are all Certified Blue Tag (#1) seed potatoes unless otherwise indicated. Certified Yellow Tag may have some hollow hearts which should not affect growability or quality. Potatoes are usually available in early March. For best choice, order in January and tell us when you want them. Potatoes are usually available around March 1. We will begin taking orders around mid December and stop when we run out. In the comments section on the check out sheet, indicate when you would like delivery. If they don’t appear in your cart when you order them, they are gone.
NOTICE” Shipping cost for a 50# bag will far exceed the cost of the potatoes!
Notice: Can not ship potatoes to California or Idaho.

Additional information


All Blue, Dakota Pearl, Kennebec, Red Norlan, Red LaSota, Red Pontiac, Yukon Gold


1 lb, 50 lb bag

Desired Ship Date

Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31, April 7, April 14, April 21, April 28, May 5, May 12


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