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The Salatin Semester DVD/Book set


18 hours of video on 12 DVDs | 6 hours of audio Q&A | Digital slideshow farm tour | 256-page guidebook | Hardboard shelf box/binder

SKU: 9781601731319 Categories: ,


What happens when trailblazing urban agro-ecologists Rob and Michelle Avis of Verge Permaculture host superstar ā€œlunatic farmerā€ Joel Salatin for a three-day, three-workshop weekendā€¦then expand and enhance that recorded wisdom in a three-month online intensive?

You get an encyclopedic compendium of small-farming entrepreneurial know-how!

And now weā€™ve gathered up and distilled every mind-bending morsel of Joelā€™s mob-stocking sagacity from those online events, and captured it all in one encyclopedic extravaganza of integrated agro-educationā€¦

ā€¦to inspire, inform, and incite you to outrageous small-farming successā€¦forever!

Donā€™t put off this opportunity to own this all-inclusive, no-holds-barred, home study courseā€¦whether youā€™re still dreaming of your entrepreneurial farming enterprise, or youā€™re building on the foundations youā€™ve already laid,Ā this is the novice-to-guru reference youā€™ll turn to again and again!

Here Joel Salatin shares decades of hard-learned lessons and advice. Learn about:

ā€¢ Pastured broilers
ā€¢ Pastured layers (feathernets & eggmobiles)
ā€¢ Salad bar beef
ā€¢ Pigaerator pork
ā€¢ Irrigation & fencing
ā€¢ On-farm processing
ā€¢ Relationship marketing
ā€¢ Multi-use infrastructure
ā€¢ Ideal farm layout
ā€¢ Leasing farms & adding subcontractors

Learn the practical details behind the day-to-day running of Polyface Farm.

ā€œThis captures the thinking, the wrestling, the procedures that have made Polyface Farm successful. Ā We certainly donā€™t have all the answers, but weā€™ve made enough mistakes to discover some things that workā€¦.Ā My deepest hope is that the information here will shorten your learning curve and help you be successful.Ā Ā The need is great. Ā The time is short. Your participating in this great mission is a wonderful thing. Ā Now go and do great things.ā€

ā€“ Joel Salatin


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